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Q: How is the Trojan war important to civilization?
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What is the significance of Trojan war to greek civilization?

The Trojan War was important because it became a main source of inspiration for Ancient Greek artists. There were a variety of themes to the Trojan War showing a rich source of romantic and heroic storytelling.

Which civilization is associated with the Trojan war?

The Mycenaeans

Which civilization was associated with the Trojan War?

The Mycenaean Greeks.

Who was the dominant Greek civilization after the Trojan war?

The Ionians and the Dorians.

Why the the Minoan civilization disappeared?

They combined with Ancient Greece in the Trojan War.

What early civilization was involved in the Trojan war?

The invading Achaean Greeks.

Did the Trojan war start the collapse of the Mycenaean civilization?

It started after the war with the invasion of the Dorian Greeks and the Sea Peoples

Was Aphrodite in an important event?

Yes, in the Trojan war

Did the Minoans become the dominant Greek civilization after the Trojan war?

NO the Dorians-Mervatte Baydoun wrote this :p

Who became the dominant of Greek civilization after the Trojan war?

The Dorian Greeks moved in and took over Peloponnese peninsula.

How is Eris important to the beginning of the Trojan War?

Eris was truly vital to that war's beginning, because it was SHE who threw the Apple of Discord and it was SHE who cackled softly about how "the Trojan war will be the bloodiest, longest, and most harrowing war in the history of mankind." (For more information about the Trojan war, read the kids version of Aeneas.)

What war was the Trojan horse built?

The Trojan War.