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By a pressure regulating valve- or regulator.

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Cullen Fay

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Q: How is the flow rate of gas controlled as it leaves a storage container?
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Are electricity the controlled flow of protons through a conductor?

The flow is of delocalized electrons.

Which device controls the flow of electrons in an electric circuit?

Flow of electricity in a circuit is controlled by using 'resistor'.

Why does liquid follow the form of its container?

Liquid takes the shape of its container because the particles are not held in a fixed position like in a solid, allowing them to flow and adjust to the shape of the container. This is due to the weak intermolecular forces between liquid particles, which results in the ability to flow and conform to the shape of the container.

The source region in the pressure flow explanation of phloem transport is most often the?

The source region in the pressure flow explanation of phloem transport is typically the sugar-producing tissues like leaves where sugar is actively loaded into the phloem. This creates a high concentration of sugars in the phloem sap, generating a pressure gradient that drives the flow of sap towards sinks such as growing regions or storage tissues.

What are More detail about the difference between solid liquid and gas?

Solids: they have fixed shape and fixed volume. They cannot be compressed much. They cannot flow. They do not fill their container completely. They have high density. They are heavy. Liquids: they have fixed volume but not fixed shape they take the shape of their container. They cannot be compressed much. They can flow. They do not fill their container completely. They have moderate to high density. Gases: they do not have fixed shape and volume. They can be compressed easily. They can flow. They fill their container completely. They have very low density.

Related questions

What is a relevant controlled variable?

Time, temperature, amount, etc. For example, how much water will flow into the container in 1 hour uses time as a relvant controlled variable.

When pouring out liquid have the rim of the container touch the rim of the receiving container?

To prevent spillage and ensure a controlled pour, it is best for the rim of the pouring container to touch the rim of the receiving container. This creates a smooth channel for the liquid to flow without splashing.

What is the blood flow through the body controlled by?

THe blood flow is controlled by the brain. Please recomend me.

What happens to plants during the day photosynthesis?

Water and nutrients flow upward from the roots to the leaves, where the cells convert those nutrients into simple sugars using sunlight. The sugars flow down to the roots for storage.

How can the flow of storm water be controlled?

The flow can be controlled by using curb inlet filters or bags which can help direct the flow of water.

What is air considered to be because it can take the shape of its container and it can flow?

what is air considered to be because it can take the shape of its container and it can flow

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Muslims and Italians controlled the flow of trade.

What 2 groups of people controlled the flow of trade with the East?

Muslims and Italians controlled the flow of trade.

What states of matter can flow into a container?

Both liquids and gases can flow into a container due to their ability to change shape and take the shape of the container they are in. Solids, on the other hand, maintain their shape and do not flow.

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Are electricity the controlled flow of protons through a conductor?

The flow is of delocalized electrons.