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It is the sound pressure (!) that moves your ear drums.
Your ears and the sound pressure level meter "measure" the sound pressure of a sound wave. Sound intensity is measured in watts per square meter.
Intensity is measured in watts per square meter.
Note: Sound power (sound intensity) is the cause -
and the sound pressure is the effect.
The effect is of particular interest to the sound engineer.

Sound is vibrations. These vibrations are carried through the ear where they cause fine hairs in the inner ear to vibrate. The intensity of the vibration is picked up by sensors which monitor the amplitude of the hair's vibrations. Larger vibration amplitudes of the hairs indicates louder noise. This information is sent to the brain.

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Is intensity a property of sound?

Sound intensity is a property of sound.

What is the name of sound intensity?

Sound intensity is mesured in decibels !

Sound intensity decreases when what decreases?

Sound intensity decreases when the distance from the sound source increases. Sound intensity also decreases as the medium through which the sound is traveling becomes more dense or absorbs more of the sound energy.

Intensity of a sound?

Sound intensity or acoustic intensity(I) is defined as the sound power Pacper unit area A. The usual context is the noise measurement of sound intensity in the air at a listener's location.

What is intensity of sound?

The sound intensity I or acoustic intensity is defined as the sound power per unit area. The usual context is the noise measurement of sound intensity in the air at a listener's location.

What describes the intensity of sound?

The intensity of sound is a measure of the energy transmitted by sound waves and is perceived as loudness. It is typically measured in decibels (dB), with higher dB values indicating louder sounds. The intensity of sound decreases with distance from the source due to the spreading out of energy in all directions.

What is intensity in sound?

Intensity in sound refers to the amount of energy carried by sound waves per unit area. It is proportional to the square of the amplitude of the sound wave. Intensity is often measured in units such as watts per square meter.

What is the meaning of intensity in sound?

The sound intensity I or acoustic intensity is defined as the sound power per unit area. The usual context is the noise measurement of sound intensity in the air at a listener's location.

What is meant by the intensity of a sound?

The loudness has to do with the sound field quantity called sound pressure or sound pressure level (SPL). The sound intensity or acoustic intensity means the sound energy quantity.

Unit of sound intensity?

The unit of sound intensity I is watts per meter squared (W/m²). Sound intensity is a sound energy quantity. Sound pressure deviations are moving our eardrums. The unit of sound pressure p is pascals (Pa) or newton per meter squared (N/m²). Sound pressure is a sound field quantity. Another answer: The most common unit of sound intensity is the decibel (dB). Reply: No! We got the sound intensity measured in W/m² and the sound intensity level we measure in decibels (dB). The question was "sound intensity".

What are variations in sound intensity?

Variations in sound intensity refer to changes in the loudness or level of sound. These variations can be measured in decibels (dB) and may result from factors such as distance from the sound source, the presence of obstacles, or changes in the source's output. Changes in sound intensity can impact the quality and character of sound perceived by the human ear.

Is the loudness of a sound is called its intensity?

No, intensity is the amount of energy carried by a sound wave per unit area. Loudness is the human perception of the intensity of a sound.