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The feedback mechanism is an aftereffect or reaction due to a certain stimuli given back by an output. The two examples can be considered feedback mechanisms since they are the aftereffect of a stimulus introduced to the body.

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In case of menstrual cycle, hormones are released by anterior pituitary. Target organ is ovary. Ovary secretes the hormones. Target is uterus. If fertilization occurs, then progesterone secretions continue and there are no menses. Here appears to be no feedback mechanism, except when pregnancy takes place. Here biological clock is involved. After ovulation exactly 14 days are required to get the menses. (If you take daily oral temperature, after waking up, there is rise in temperature after ovulation (99 degree Fahrenheit from 98.4 before ovulation.) Only thing in Nature having 28 days cycle is 'Moon'. Incidentally, 10 lunar months are required for delivery to take place.

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Q: How is the menstrual cycle an example of a feedback mechanism?
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Is menstrual cycle a feedback mechanism?

Yes.The Menstrual cycle is a feedback mechanism because it is regulated by hormones which are controlled by negative feedback mechanisms. This mechanism includes hormones that are interacted with tissues in the menstrual cycle.

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How is the menstrual cycle an example of the bodies use of negative feedback?


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its the feedback mechanism

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its a cycle of events in which information from one step controls or affects a previous step

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The menstrual cycle is the reproductive cycle, as long as she is fertile she is always on her menstrual cycle. You can't tell where she is in her menstrual cycle unless she tells you.

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The menstrual cycle starts with menstruation. The firswt day of your menstrual cycle is considered to be the first day of true bleeding during your menstrual phase.

What are the example of biological clock?

Breathing, resting heart beat, menstrual cycle, sleep.

Why are the interactions of hormones and tissues in the menstrual cycle considered to be feedback mechanisms?

In the menstrual cycle, the initial purpose is to make a follicle (thing in which the egg develops)..FSH or Follicle stimulating hormone initiates the formation of the follicle. LH or Luteinizing hormone assist FSH in the formation of the follicle and to develope its ability to secrete estrogen. As the follicle progresses in its development it begans to secrete estrogen and progesterone. Estrogen passes into the blood and travels to the pititary gland where it turns off the production of FSH. This is an example of negative feedback. The presence of estrogen in the blood sitmulate the production of LH and this would be a positive feedback.