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Q: How is the root hair cell adapted to do their job?
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How does the shape of the root hair cell help to do its job?

The shape helps the root hair cell to move around the body, the nucleus helps the root hair cell, the root hair cell is about the same shape as a nerve cell

How is a root hair cell designed for its job?

growing hair

What is the job of the root hair cell?

Root hair cell are dermal cells found on the roots of many vascular plants.Their job is to provide a greater surface area for water absorption.As transpiration pulls water up to the leaves, root hair cells have to absorb large amounts of water. The process by which root dermal cells take in water is osmosis. In order to diffuse large amounts of water, a cell obviously needs a large surface area. The root hair cells provide this needed extra surface area to absorb large amounts of water.

How is a root hair cell adatped to its job?

It has a large surface area for maximum absorption.

How does the root hair cell do the job it does?

a root hair cell increase the surface area of the root which helps it colect more water and stuff

How is a root hair cell adapted to perform its function?

They have root cells inside their roots to absorb water they are tough to stay in the ground. A root hair cells job is to provide water and nutrition for a plant. Root hair cells have to absorb large amounts of water. The process by which root cells take in water is osmosis. In order to take in large amounts of water, a cell needs a large surface area. Root cells, have a large surface area over which absorption of minerals and water can occur.

How do you describe the features of a root hair cell that makes it good at its job?

It has an extension to increase its surface area.

How is a root hair cell good at its job?

Root hair cells are used in osmosis to transmit water and nutrients from the soil. These root hair cells reduce the loss of water and adapt to the large surface area and speeds up osmosis process.

How is a clone eye cell adapted to its job?

i have not

Give one feature the root hair cell has and explain how it enables it to carry out its role?

it has a nucleus and a cell wall it helps it carry out its job by telling it what to do

How is the root hair cell suited to its job?

Because it gives up moisture and if it wasnt for hair cells we would have to wash our hair everyday because of how much bateria would be in the air.

The job of a plant cell and how is it adapted to its job?

its adapted to its job by having tiny hairs on each grain to help it brush all the dirt out of the plant.