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That means that - with a few exceptions - almost all energy around us can ultimately be traced back to the Sun.

it provides light which provides energy to grow.

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Q: How is the sun is the primary source of energy on earth?
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it is the sunThe Sun

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the sun is the main source of energy of the earth the sun is the main source of energy of the earth the sun is the main source of energy of the earth

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The sun Solar energy is the primary source of energy on earth. Solar energy is the basis of the vast majority of life on earth via the production of carbohydrates by plants which is consumed directly or indirect by other forms of life. the other of energy for life being from deep ocean vents utilized by chemotrophic bacteria.

Why is the sun important to planet earth?

sun is the energy source . We know that the primary produsers are plants, the source of photosynthesis is sun . Photosynthesis is giving food and energy to do all activities. Because sun is very very important to our planet earth.

What is the primary source is energy?

the sun

What is the primary source of energy?

the sun

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