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Because when you have feelings, your feelings come alive to become the greatest piece of history in the submarine. It also helps because science is just an alternative to religion such as catholic or lemon.

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Remote sensing allows for data collection over large and inaccessible areas, providing a broader and more comprehensive view compared to traditional ground-based methods. It also enables repetitive and consistent data acquisition, offering the ability to track changes over time. Additionally, remote sensing can gather information across multiple wavelengths, which can reveal patterns and relationships not easily observable with human eyes.

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Q: How is using remote sensing more reliable and valuable for collecting data?
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What is the opposite from remote sensing?

The opposite of remote sensing is close-up sensing, where data is collected from objects or phenomena in close proximity to the sensor or observer. This type of sensing involves direct contact or nearness to the subject being observed, as opposed to remote sensing which involves collecting data from a distance.

What are the Values of remote sensing in gis?

Remote sensing provides valuable data for GIS by allowing for the collection of information from a distance using sensors on satellites or aircraft. This data can be used to create detailed maps, monitor changes in the environment, assess land cover and land use, and analyze spatial patterns. Remote sensing helps to enhance the accuracy, efficiency, and scope of GIS applications.

What is the role of electromagnetic radiatin in remote sensing?

Electromagnetic radiation is used in remote sensing to collect information about the Earth's surface and atmosphere. Different wavelengths of electromagnetic radiation interact with materials in unique ways, allowing scientists to identify and analyze various features and properties from a distance. By measuring the reflected or emitted radiation, remote sensing can provide valuable data for applications such as mapping, monitoring, and environmental assessment.

Why would amapmarker use active remote sensing instead of passive remote sensing?

A mapmaker might use active remote sensing over passive remote sensing because active remote sensing provides its own source of energy to illuminate the target, allowing for more control over the data collected. This can result in better resolution and accuracy in mapping features of interest.

What can scientist study from remote sensing?

Scientists can study various Earth systems, including the atmosphere, oceans, and land surface, by analyzing remote sensing data. They can track environmental changes, monitor weather patterns, study land use and cover changes, detect natural disasters, and assess the health of ecosystems. Remote sensing provides valuable information to support scientific research, environmental management, and decision-making.

Related questions

What is the opposite from remote sensing?

The opposite of remote sensing is close-up sensing, where data is collected from objects or phenomena in close proximity to the sensor or observer. This type of sensing involves direct contact or nearness to the subject being observed, as opposed to remote sensing which involves collecting data from a distance.

The process of collecting data about earth from far above earths surface?

Remote sensing.

Way of collecting information from a distance with satellite or other devices?

remote sensing

Importance of remote sensing in civil engineering?

remote sensing

When was Remote Sensing Center created?

Remote Sensing Center was created in 2006-09.

What are the Values of remote sensing in gis?

Remote sensing provides valuable data for GIS by allowing for the collection of information from a distance using sensors on satellites or aircraft. This data can be used to create detailed maps, monitor changes in the environment, assess land cover and land use, and analyze spatial patterns. Remote sensing helps to enhance the accuracy, efficiency, and scope of GIS applications.

What is wavelength in remote sensing?

Wavelength in remote sensing refers to the distance between two consecutive peaks or troughs of a wave. Different wavelengths of electromagnetic radiation, such as visible light, infrared, and microwaves, are used in remote sensing to gather information about Earth's surface and atmosphere. By analyzing the wavelengths of reflected or emitted radiation, scientists can infer valuable data about the environment being observed.

What is passive remote sensing?

Passive remote sensing means that the energy being collected is being provided by the environment in which you are collecting. Examples of this type of remote sensing include things as simple as taking a picture with a handheld visible spectrum camera or taking a thermal image of a person's body temperature. Active remote sensing on the other hand involves transmitting energy, allowing that energy to reflect off of the surrounding environment, and then recollecting that energy using a sensor. Examples of this type of remote sensing include sonar devices used by ships and imaging systems that use the returns from laser energy to form an image.

What is a observation of earth remote-sensing satellite?

Explain how the remote sensing satellites examined the earth from the space?

When was Indian Institute of Remote Sensing created?

Indian Institute of Remote Sensing was created in 1966.

When was Pakistan Remote Sensing Satellite created?

Pakistan Remote Sensing Satellite was created in 2011.

What is the role of electromagnetic radiatin in remote sensing?

Electromagnetic radiation is used in remote sensing to collect information about the Earth's surface and atmosphere. Different wavelengths of electromagnetic radiation interact with materials in unique ways, allowing scientists to identify and analyze various features and properties from a distance. By measuring the reflected or emitted radiation, remote sensing can provide valuable data for applications such as mapping, monitoring, and environmental assessment.