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he was tolerant he let some of the people who lived their before go home

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6y ago

The Satraps were his Persian provincial governors, responsible for security, taxes and advancing prosperity in their province. Darius and his council oversaw their actions.

The Royal Road was a land communications artery for areas not contactable by sea or river.

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12y ago

The Persians did not rely on violence to keep the empire in order. Instead they used satraps and the royal road to stay communicated.

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Q: How king darius used satraps and the royal road to hold his vast empire together?
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Why was the Persian royal road so important?

Satraps had to use it for Darius's control

The political system of the Persian empire under rules such as darius and Cyrus was a?

The Persian Empire had a centralized administrative system with provinces governed by satraps appointed by the king. Darius I implemented a system of satrapies with local governors responsible for tax collection and maintaining order. The king also had a council of advisors and a royal court to assist in governing the vast empire.

How long was the royal road in darius empire?

2500 km or 1600 miles

What did King darius build to unite the Persian empire?

He built the Royal Roads

How did the royal road held darius communication with his empire?

The satrapies were linked by a 2,500-kilometer highway, the most impressive stretch being the Royal Road, built by command of Darius I. Royal inspectors, the "eyes and ears of the king", toured the empire and reported on local conditions.

What Persian leader was responsible for constructing the Royal Road and for reorganizing the empire into provinces?

Darius I

Who created the great royal?

In the fifth century BCE, the Persian king Darius I built the Royal Road to connect his massive empire.

Who created the Royal Road and reorganized the Persian Empire into satrapies ruled by a satrap?

King Darius I created the Royal Road and reorganized the Persian Empire into satrapies ruled by a satrap.

Which Persian king built the Royal Road?

darius I darius I

What famous structure did King Darius build to unite the Persian Empire?

The Royal Road or Achmaenid Road with its system of way stations and riders aided communication in Darius' empire. The road connected Susa with Persepolis and India.

What was the Persian Empire's political structure?

The Persian Empire was a centralized monarchy with an absolute ruler, known as the King of Kings. At the top of the political structure was the king, who held immense power and authority. The king appointed satraps, who were provincial governors responsible for administering various regions of the empire. The satraps were accountable to the king and had to pay tribute to the royal treasury.

What was the famous road that linked various parts of the Persian Empire together?

The royal road.