


Ancient History

Ancient history covers the period up to 500 CE, after which the Medieval period begins. There are subdivisions of the Ancient period, and technically speaking, it begins with alphabetic writing from about 8th century BCE onwards. However, earlier periods can conveniently be dealt with under this heading.

21,878 Questions

What product came from Britain northern Spain and northern Gaul?

the Gauls emerged around the 5th century BC as the bearers of the La Tène culture north of the Alps (spread across the lands between the Seine, Middle Rhine and upper Elbe). By the 4th century BC, they spread over much of what is now France, Belgium, Spain, Portugal, Switzerland, Southern Germany, Austria, the Czech Republic and Slovakia by virtue of controlling the trade routes along the river systems of the Rhône, Seine, Rhine, and Danube, and they quickly expanded into Northern Italy, the Balkans, Transylvania and Galatia.

Who is the eye witness of thomas beckets murder?

There were several witnesses (including the four knights that King Henry sent to do the murder). The best-know witness account is by a man named Edward Grim.

"...The wicked knight leapt suddenly upon him, cutting off the top of the crown which the unction of sacred chrism had dedicated to God. Next he received a second blow on the head, but still he stood firm and immovable. At the third blow he fell on his knees and elbows, offering himself a living sacrifice, and saying in a low voice, 'For the name of Jesus and the protection of the Church, I am ready to embrace death.' But the third knight inflicted a terrible wound as he lay prostrate. By this stroke, the crown of his head was separated from the head in such a way that the blood white with the brain, and the brain no less red from the blood, dyed the floor of the cathedral. The same clerk who had entered with the knights placed his foot on the neck of the holy priest and precious martyr, and, horrible to relate, scattered the brains and blood about the pavements, crying to the others, 'Let us away, knights; this fellow will arise no more.' "

(Quote source: Christopher Lee This Sceptred Isle 55BC - 1901 (1997) p.73 )

How long ago was 250 AD?

In 2013, the year 250AD was 1,763 years ago.

How does the sphinx moth protect themselves?

Sphinx moths protect themselves through the spots on their wings, which look like eyes and keep some predators away. They also are very big, and can make themselves look larger by opening their wings.

Was there really a Hebrew United Kingdom or were the Northern and the Southern Kingdoms two separate tribes historically?

Another answer from our community:

The Tanakh (Jewish Bible) records that there was a unified kingdom of all the Israelites before it split into Northern (Ten Tribes) and Southern (Judah and Benjamin). The unified kingdom existed under the sovereignty of Saul, then David, and then Solomon.

After the division of the Kingdom: The northern (10 tribe) Kingdom was often called the Kingdom of Israel or even the Kingdom of Ephraim (the largest of those 10 tribes); the southern (2 tribe) Kingdom was called the Kingdom of Judah.

Why were solon reforms not completely successful in appeasing the aristopcracy and the people?

Because not enough power was given, nor the aristocrats, because their power was decreased.

What was usually carved into the side of an obelisk?

It's like asking, "what would you like to cave on your obelisk"?

There is no requirement that anything be carved on the side on an obelisk, and it would be up to the whoever made the obelisk or commissioned it as to what, if anything, would be carved on any side of it.

Why was make-up invented?

To make people look more beautiful, and to show off your wealth and status. Makeup has been found in every culture in the world. The modern makeup we use has its roots in ancient Egypt. In most cultures, including ancient Egypt, it was only worn by the upper most Indians used paints which went on as make up.Egypt made a more high class version of paints so much that it is now called make-up.

Who conquered the Phoenicians?

The Persians conquered Phoenicia under Cyrus The Great, in 539 BCE.

Who is the wise king of israel?

It is the wise king Solomon.
Emmanuel a boy said to be born on 1998 on march 1 in dominican republic who is a descent of king david he will rule in the future to come.

What did David do as king?

king david made Israel into an empire, and created the star of david.

DAVID NEVER USED THE "HEXAGRAM"! His son Solomon used the Hexagram when he backslid into witchcraft.

Witches stand in a pentacle and call out evil spirits out of the Hexagram. That's where the term Hex comes from.

Another term for the Hexagram is the Death Star.

The House Of Rothschild adopted the Hexagram and misnamed it the "Star of David" for their political aim of forming the state of Israel.

The Rothschilds pretend to support Judiasm but are really Sabbatean-Frankist Satanists.

Ashkenazi Jews are not really Jews but are really Scythian tribes of Gog & Magog.

However the Rothschilds have mixed into genuine Sephardic Jews such as the "Sasoons".

As for David, he was a sexually perverted peeping-Tom that loved to play music when he wasn't chopping off someone's head. He was so obsessed with beautiful women he upset His Maker by stealing his friends wife and indirectly gets his friend murdered.

His Maker, The Lord Of Spirits, then raises His hand of protection and loosens evil spirits on David's family which result in the death of his favorite son Absolom and many other tragedies. Despite David's reckless behavior and losses David is reconciled with His Maker and lives to see old age and his son Jeddiah (Solomon) take his place.

What David did not know on his death bed was that Solomon was going to be the greatest Satanist that ever lived.

What civilization admired the human mind?

The civilization that admired the human mind and strongly supported its development is the ancient Greek civilization

Magical creature of Jewish folklore?

there are a few, but actually reading the Talmud and Kabbalah you can find giant deer, and lions. Along with dwarves, and a few standared fairy take creatures. Just google creatures of Jewish mythology.
