


Ancient History

Ancient history covers the period up to 500 CE, after which the Medieval period begins. There are subdivisions of the Ancient period, and technically speaking, it begins with alphabetic writing from about 8th century BCE onwards. However, earlier periods can conveniently be dealt with under this heading.

21,863 Questions

What was the akkadian empires food supply?

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Asked by Wiki User

They made the first real empire because they had a very skilled and powerful army. They had a

good food supply, loyal people, smart and powerful king, arts, religion, and technology. The food

supply farming was a big part of their food supply

Why did Hammurabi write his law code?

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Hammurabi extended his empire northward from the Persian Gulf through the Tigris and Euphrates river valleys and westward to the coast of the Mediterranean Sea as king of Babylonia, and the greatest ruler in the first Babylonian dynasty. Hammurabi is primarily remembered for his codification of the laws governing Babylonian life.

The king took over Babylonia when the times in Mesopotamia lie in confusion, turmoil, and constant war. King after king manages to rule a city-state or a small empire for a short time by conquering neighboring city-states. But these kings are cruel to the people of the conquered city, rule unjustly, and leave turmoil and a struggle for power. Hammurabi took over to be another kind a king who ruled to unite Mesopotamia under a just law.

What do patricians eat?

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  • Dinner might begin with shellfish, hard boiled eggs, olives or smoked fish, washed down with plenty of wine sweetened with honey.
  • The meal then went on to include several meat courses, all heavily spiced with herbs or smothered in sauces, and ended with cakes, pastries, fruit and nuts .
  • The large banquets would have entertainment consisting of music and dancing.
  • For more information refer to link below.

Why did Egypt develop along the Nile?

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Asked by Wiki User

That surge of water and nutrients turned the Nile Valley into productive farmland, and made it possible for Egyptian civilization to develop in the midst of a desert.

What were the causes and outcomes (results) of the First Punic War and of the Second Punic War?

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The First Punic War arose from Rome's ambition to expand beyond the Italian peninsula into Sicily, where Carthage was trying to impose control. The two had been allies until this confrontation. Rome won the war and imposed heavy financial penalties on Carthage, and gained control of

The Second Punic War arose from Carthages move to contol more territory in Spain, which clashed with Rome's attempts to expand its influence there. Carthage invaded Italy and put Rome on the defensive. It was eventually ended by Rome invading North Africa and captured Carthage. It imposed a heavy 50-year annual financial penalty designed to paralyse the city-state.

However a resilient Carthage paid it off after 10 years, and so Rome looked to a permanent termination of Carthage's challenge, resulting in the Third Punic War and Carthage's elimination.

Sakuting dance history?

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Sakuting Dance was originated in Abra Philippines. it was originally performed by males during chrismast seasons in public or in house to house for a caroling!

What are the 3 levels of government in Canada?

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Federal Government, Provincial Government, Local Government

Did cavemen use piezoelectricity?

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Asked by Wiki User

Most likely not. My best guess would be that they were worried about shelter, food and basic survival needs such as when junior brings home a sabre-tooth tiger kitten asking if he can keep it as a pet. Not a great idea on the kid's part, wouldn't you think?

Where was the real gladiator named Spartacus born?

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Spartacus was a Thracian gladiator.

How were the trans-Saharan trade routes different from the Silk Road?

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Trans-Saharan trade routes were primarily land based, the Silk road was both land and sea.

What kinds of people went to theartre during Shakespeares time?

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Everyone who loved theater. There was theater for the poor and theater for the rich.

Why was the Cod of Hammurabi a major achievement?

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The Code of Hammurabi, from ancient Babylon (not Egypt), is one of the oldest formal legal documents that modern researchers have found. It is an achievement in its attempt to lay out systematically and rationally a set of rules governing many types of interpersonal and economic relations. It specifies a standard of conduct and what were considered fair punishments for violations of accepted behavior in Hammurabi's kingdom.

Who built your garden?

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Asked by Wiki User

The fairies that live in the apple tree

When and how was ancient Babylon abandoned?

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Asked by SBPA

Babylon was a city of the Soumerian civilization build between the rivers of Tigris and Euphrates in a region that is known as Mesopotamia [today's Iraq] and became the capital city of the Babylonian civilization. The famous Hanging Gardens of Babylon one of the seven wonders of the Ancient world were hosted in the city.

Babylon was conquered by Alexander the Great after the battle of Gaugamela at 331 BCE. After his death the conquered territories were divided among his generals and several battles were fought until the settlement.

The inhabitants of Babylon were transferred to Seleucia the capital city of the state of Seleucus at 275 BCE and the city was left deserted. Later under the Parthian Empire the city was populated once more and lasted until 650 AD/ CE.

What circumstances enabled Jenné-Jeno to become a bustling trade center?

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It is the original site of Djenné, Mali and considered to be among the oldest urbanized centers in sub-Saharan Africa. The circumstances that enabled it to be a trade center are their rice domestication.

How is life in Ethiopia's rural arrears different from life in Addis Ababa and how is life similar in both areas?

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The life in Ethiopia's rural area is diffrent from the cities like Addis Ababa because the rural area aren't as technologically advanced as the city go-er's. Majority of them still have to go to a river source for water. have no indoor plumbing, and have no electricity.Thr rural people are farmers and still live in the strong customs that they lived 50 years ago In contrast to the people of the city, many of them have running water and electricity. The strrets are nicer and people dress like how they would in America. Although it is not as technologically advanced as America, Europe or Asia, it is on its way. This is because of Ethiopia's long living independance. The similarities are in culture and religon, and religious clothing and ethnic food (like injera, wett, dabo, ambasha). But many of the culture differs because there are different types of people(Like the Tigraye, Oromo, Welo, Gonderaye, Amhara, Bulga, etc)

What did Mesopotamians wear?

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¨A different style of dress is obvious in Mesopotamian sculptures dating after about 2370 BC. Both men and women were clothed in a large piece of material-most commonly of wool, though later also of linen-draped around the body over a skirt. This garment, similar to a shawl, was characteristically edged with tassels or fringe. The draping varied, but, for men at least, the fabric was arranged so that the fullness was at the rear, leaving the right, or sword, arm free. This newer form of dress had originated from farther north and east and was adopted by the Semitic people of Akkad under Sargon (the dynasty founded by Sargon lasted from c. 2334 to c. 2193 BC ) and by the revitalized Sumerian culture in the years 2110-2010 BC

Who is goddess tuaret?

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Tuaret was the Egyptian Godess of childbirth childcare and motherhood

How did the British Museum get the Elgin Marbles?

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British Ambassador to Turkey Lord Elgin, visiting Turkish-owned Greece, visited Athens and found most of the Parthenon statuary, through neglect, fallen down on the ground and broken. He paid the local Turkish governor for the right to collect and take them, and sent them to England, where they found safe refuge in the British Museum.