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it is the size of your palm or wrist

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Q: How large is a average human adult heart?
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How large is the heart of an adult human?

The size of your palm

How large is an adult's heart?

About the size of that adult's fist.

How large is a child's heart?

The average adult human heart weighs about 300 grams in men, and about 200 grams in women although it varies with the size and weight of the person as well as how muscular the heart is. The approximate weight of the human heart is 0.5% of a person's weight.

What is the lenth of the large intestine of an adult human?

About 4.9 feet long

How long are the small and large intestine?

The average adult human large intestine is about five feet, or 1 1/2 meters, in length. The average small intestine in an adult is approximately 20 (6 meters) feet in length.

What chamber is missing in the frog heart compared to the human heart?

in comparison to a human heart, a frog heart consists of the right and left atrium, and one large ventricle, while the human heart contains two atrium chambers and two ventricle chambers.

The largest metabolic reserve for the average adult are stored as?

The largest metabolic reserve for the average adult is stored as triglycerides in adipose tissue (body fat). These stored triglycerides can be broken down and used for energy when needed by the body.

A human male penis at 8in length and 6 in circumference is that large?

Yes. That's quite large to an average male. The average penis size is 4 1/2- 5 1/2 inches

What does it man to have 3 ventricles?

Answer Ventricle means the two and large lower part of the human heart.

How big do aligators get?

Large adult alligators get to about 4 m long

What fruit does the human heart resemble?

well it would be about the same size as a large apple or a clenched fist=]

How big is a heart?

The bigger you are, the bigger your heart is. Your heart is about the size of your fist. Your heart and fist will grow at about the same rate.The heart is generally the size of your clenched fist.the human heart is about the size of your fistabout the size of your fistAccording to our Biology science class, the size of every individual's heart is by the own average size of their fist.approximately the average human heart is about 11ounces (310 grams)about a large fist.About the size of your fistYour heart is the size of your fist. So make a fist like if you were to punch somebody, then put it near you chest and that's how big your heart is.