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It takes anywhere from 2 to 3 months. At the last of the 1st month, you will start to remember the things you couldn't when you were baked.

It really depends on how you live, eat, and drink in your day. If you are a healthy man and drink water more than ever. You eat right, you know what I am saying. And also how long have you been doing this and how much. It should all be taken in account for. I have first hand experience in this department. No I don't indulge or partake in this ritual, but was with someone that did. He cheated Drug Court by falsifying his urine test and graduated Drug Court. Needless to say he is history. Enough of my life, you asked a question. O.K. The only advise I would give you would be to drink as much water that you can, don't eat anything greasy or take any antacids, really no answer for that one. But it is true. Gatorade/powerade lot's and lot's of fluids. I've seen some guy's come up clean in less than a month and others dirty at 2 month's. I hope this help's GOODLUCK Your very welcome

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1w ago

The time it takes for a person to rid THC from urine can vary based on several factors, including frequency of use, metabolism rate, and hydration levels. On average, THC can be detected in urine for up to 30 days for a heavy user. Drinking plenty of water, exercising, and eating a healthy diet can help speed up the detoxification process.

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How much THC does it take to show up in a urine test?

0.3 grams.

Diazepam will it show for thc in urine test?

No, Diazepam will not show for THC in a urine test.

Clean out THC without delouting the urine?

The best way to dilute THC from a persons urine is to stop using THC. There are also vitamins that can clean your urine as well.

Will clear urine take THC out?

Clear urine does not directly indicate the absence of THC in the body. THC is metabolized and stored in fat cells, so levels can vary based on individual metabolism and usage patterns. Drinking water may dilute urine, potentially affecting drug test results, but it does not remove THC from the system.

Does caffeine clean THC out of urine?

It does not clean out urine.

How long will it take for penicillin to clean THC from urine?

3 days

Does cerasee tea clean THC out of urine?

Cerasee tea does not have any proven scientific evidence to suggest that it can help clean THC out of urine. It's best to rely on proven methods such as drinking plenty of water, exercise, and time to help eliminate THC from your system.

Can you sweat THC out of your urine?

Yes, THC is excreted through urine, sweat, and feces. However, the amount passed through sweat is minimal compared to urine. Therefore, sweating alone is unlikely to significantly impact THC levels in urine.

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Does pooping get rid of THC?

Yes, some THC is eliminated from the body through feces when you poop. However, the majority of THC is metabolized in the liver and eventually excreted in urine. Eating high-fiber foods and staying hydrated can help speed up the elimination of THC through feces.

Does oxycodone show up as THC results in urine?

No THC is marijuana, oxycodone is an opiate

Does frequent urination get THC out of urine?

No, not really.