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Combustible waste generally takes several weeks to several months to break down, depending on factors such as moisture content, temperature, and microbial activity. In landfills, where conditions may limit decomposition, combustible waste can persist for years. Recycling or composting can be more effective ways to manage combustible waste and reduce its environmental impact.

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Q: How long Combustible waste takes to break down?
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Which type of waste takes two weeks to five months to break down?

Organic waste, such as food scraps and yard waste, can take two weeks to five months to break down. This waste can be composted to speed up the decomposition process and turn it into valuable nutrient-rich soil for plants.

Which waste takes up to 5 months to break down?

Organic waste, such as food scraps and yard waste, can take up to 5 months to break down. These materials decompose relatively quickly compared to other types of waste. Composting can help speed up this process by creating optimal conditions for decomposition.

How long does it take for foam to break down?

The time it takes for foam to break down can vary depending on the type of foam and environmental conditions. Generally, foam made from polystyrene can take hundreds of years to break down in a landfill, while foam made from natural materials like cornstarch can break down faster in composting conditions.

What chemical can you use to decompose human waste out of an outhouse?

Lime (calcium hydroxide) is commonly used to decompose human waste in outhouses. It helps to neutralize odors, break down organic matter, and speed up the decomposition process. It should be applied regularly and in the correct quantity to effectively break down the waste.

When can HFC-134a become combustible in a mobile air condition system?

HFC-134a is not combustible under typical operating conditions in a mobile air conditioning system. However, it can become combustible when exposed to high temperatures (above 1300°F) and an open flame or spark, which can cause it to break down into toxic byproducts and potentially ignite.

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Which one non-combustible waste or combustible waste

What takes 80 - 100 years to break down if exposed to the ultraviolet rays of the sun?

non-combustible waste

What takes 80 to 100 years to break down if it exposed to the ultraviolet rays of the sun?

non-combustible waste

What takes 10 to 30 years to break down if it exposed to the ultraviolet rays of the sun?

non combustible waste

Which type of waste takes two weeks to five months to break down?

Organic waste, such as food scraps and yard waste, can take two weeks to five months to break down. This waste can be composted to speed up the decomposition process and turn it into valuable nutrient-rich soil for plants.

Which waste takes up to 5 months to break down?

Organic waste, such as food scraps and yard waste, can take up to 5 months to break down. These materials decompose relatively quickly compared to other types of waste. Composting can help speed up this process by creating optimal conditions for decomposition.

Can humans make waste break down or not?

yes they can

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What are cell appendages use for?

Cell Appendages help break down waste. It helps break down feces and urine.

How long does it take for a green bag to break down?

it takes 20 years approximetly to break down.

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Lysosomes break down and remove cellular waste.

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