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If you are wanting to use a styling product like gel or mousse you can right away. Just don't wash your hair for the recommended 2 or 3 days after.

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Q: How long after a perm can you use hair products?
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Can you use hair products the same day you get a perm?

No, after getting a perm you cannot get your hair wet for at least 24 hours

How long do you have to have your perm settle until you can use a straightener on it?

after the 3 days(wash your hair 1st)...your perm might not last as long but it will be fine

Can you use a color rinse on your hair after a perm?

It depends on the perm but it will burn though your hair because you would have just got it perm

Can you use a hair dryer on your hair after a perm?


Did Taylor Swift perm her hair?

Taylor does not have a perm, but her hair is naturally curly. Her hair looks a little like how it does in the Tim McGraw music video or on the cover of her first CD naturally, but she has it done and uses products to make the kind of curl she has now to come out of it. And I agree, Taylor's hair is very beautiful! :) i agree she does not have a perm but just because she uses products to help the curl doesn't mean its not natural. i have curly hair and i use many things to help the curl.

Can you change your type of hair into thick curly hair?

There's no way to change your hair type. You can't just have "curly hair". But, you can get a special perm to last for months....or use special irons and products to create curly hair. Your best option would be a perm though. these will last forever.

Does using hair products such as hairspray and gel damage your hair and if yes how so?

Yes some hair such as gel can take your hair out even rubber bands are to tight to the point where your hair will end up breaking off. You must NOT use to much hair spray. It happens to every one. Perm does the same thing except perm burns but DON'T keep it in to long because your hair will break off or shed.

Do you use a neutralizer after the perm solution to get rid of a perm?

No. The neutraliser stops the perm lotion from working on the hair. If you just left the perm lotion on it would keep breaking down the bonds in the hair and the hair would be destroyed.

Can you use a straightener to get a perm out?

No not at all your hair will become damaged. what you have to do is stop perming your hair and then the perm hair will break off and your natural hair will come back in.

What shoud you do to your hair before you get a perm?

Use vaseline

Can you perm hair without using neutralizer shampoo?

No. The perm solution is a chemical and if you don't use a neutralizer to stop the chemical it will destroy your hair.

Which curling iron will make my hair look like I just had a perm?

Use sponge curlers to make my hair look like you just had a perm.