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A miscarriage can occur at any time after the egg is fertilized, although it is not considered a miscarriage if the egg does not implant into the lining of the uterus. If the egg is fertilized but never implants, you will never even know you were pregnant or miscarried. Most miscarriages occur within the first trimester, but it is thought that many women pass a fertilised egg with their period without ever knowing it.

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12y ago

About 3 days after egg is released and intercourse is conducted. U will know ur pregnant two weeks after that. Example, egg release on 1st of month, then have sex in next 12 hours, egg is fertilized by the 4th of the month. It takes 72 hours after egg is released to b fertilized. A hit or miss situation every month.

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12y ago

12-48 hours. What's interesting is that sperm live longer, about 72 hours on average, so having sex in the few days before you expect to ovulate is also a good way to get pregnant. This means, of course, that sex is to be avoided/contraceptive precautions taken in those days if you're trying not to get pregnant.

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12y ago

The ovum lasts about 1 day after ovulation sperm wil last for upto 4 days in the uterus.

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Does menstruation occur if the egg is fertilized?

No, menstruation does not occur if the egg is fertilized. Instead, the fertilized egg implants in the uterus to begin pregnancy. If fertilization does not occur, then the uterine lining sheds during menstruation.

When in a pregnancy can miscarriages occur?

A miscarriage can happen at anytime from implantation of the fertilized egg up until the 20th week, but most of them occur in the first 8 weeks. After the 20th week, it is called a stillborn birth instead of a miscarriage. A loss of pregnancy during the third trimester (after 28 weeks) is usually called a premature stillbirth and not a miscarriage.

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No. If the fertilized egg implants, no period will occur.

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Implantation of a fertilized egg typically occurs in the lining of the uterus, specifically in the endometrium. The fertilized egg attaches itself to the uterine wall and begins to grow and develop into an embryo.

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A molar pregnancy is an abnormally fertilized egg. Molar pregnancies occur when the fertilized egg does not have any of the mother's chromosones, or the father's chromosones duplicate.

How long is the egg alive after gettin ruptured to get fertilized by the sprem?

An egg can be fertilized by sperm within 12-24 hours after ovulation. Once the egg is released from the ovary, it has a limited window for fertilization before it degenerates. If fertilization does not occur during this time, the egg will disintegrate and be absorbed by the body.

Do periods occur as normal after an egg is fertilized explain answer?

No, periods do not occur after an egg is fertilized because fertilization of the egg leads to the development of the embryo, which implants in the uterus and eventually grows into a fetus. This process suppresses the shedding of the uterine lining that occurs during menstruation.

Where is a human egg fertilized?

Usually in the womb but can also occur in the fallopian tube

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The fertilized egg typically implants in the lining of the uterus. This process is known as implantation and is essential for successful pregnancy to occur.

If the girl is releasing her egg is her period coming?

As long as the egg does not get fertilized it will come.

How early in pregnancy can miscarriage happen?

It can happen as soon as the egg is fertilized or attached and you will never know you were pregnant. The most common is in the first trimester.