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It all depends on how long you have/are breastfeeding for and how often you breastfeed. I had my last on April 3, 2009 via c-section with a tubal and I am just now beginning to completely ween him off but I still havent gotten my period. I have started getting some cramping like PMS becasue I don't breastfeed exclusively. As long as you breastfeed your body produces the hormone Prolactin which basically tells your ovaries it is not ready to bear another child yet so you normally don't ovulate. If you don't ovulate, you don't get a period. Once you stop breastfeeding though, your period should return as normal the following month.

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14y ago
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12y ago

i got my period almost exactly 6 weeks after my c-section. i gave birth on a Friday & the monday before my 6 week follow-up appointment (which was the Friday exactly 6 weeks after my delivery) i got it. i have, however, always been very regular with my cycles so I'm sure this can vary depending on the individual.

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11y ago

my baby boy was born on aug 14th i go my 1st period's been 6 weeks since he was born.but when i was pergent.i really didnt miss having my period at all.but now that i have it.i really don't miss it at all.

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12y ago

You will have a bloody discharge following a C-section, just like you would after giving birth vaginally called locia. This may last up to 6 weeks. If you are not breast feeding you can expect your period to resume about four weeks after the discharge stops.

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13y ago

Talk about that with a doctor.

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Q: When should you get your period after having a c section and tying your tubes at the same time?
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Can you get pregnant after having tubes tied by c section 9 months ago.Could it be possible even still while breatsfeeding and started period and next month nothing. What are the chances if any?

If tubes are ligated properly - pregnancy should not be expected. In general during breastfeeding very often can be irregular cycles.

How can you have a period with no tubes?

A woman's period is tied to the growth of lining in the womb, which is controlled by hormones produced by the ovaries. Even though the egg cannot reach the womb after the tubes are tied, the hormones controlling the cycle are still produced, so the cycle should still be regular.

How do get your periods after getting your tubes ties?

Yes, you still have your period having having your tubes tied. The uterus still sheds monthly, even though there is no egg being released to flow through the tube into the uterus.

Should you be nervous if your tubes are clamped and your period is a day late?

ofcourse you should're not doing it right?

Should you still get your period after you have had your tubes cut?

Yes, you should still get your period after you've had your fallopian tubes cut. All this has done is cut the fallopian tubes so that sperm cannot reach the egg when it is realeased during ovulation, as you still ovulate and still have a uterus it means that you would still menstruate as normal.

Can you get Medicaid after having tubal ligation?

if you still qualify financially yes whether you have your tubes tied or not does not make a difference.

Do you have to change tubes when changing motorcycle tires?

you really should just to prevent having a flat tire in the future. The tubes can also dry out to its breaking point

Is it dangerous to not have a period?

Missed period tubes are tied

How long after having your tubes tied do you need to wait before not using protection?

Once your tubes are tied after your next period just in case you've already ovulated (max of 4 weeks depending on what part of your cycle you are in) To be sure, ask a doctor about this before or after the procedure.

Having tubes tied and on period for almost 2 weeks it this normal or what someone help cause the pains I'm having are killing me?

sounds like you need to see a doctor STAT

I had my tubes tied over 2 years ago I just recently found out that i was having a miscarriage What happened to have a miscarriage or get pregnant while your tubes are tied?

some people when they have their tubes tied are left with little tears which can allow sperm through. is more common if youd had a c-section in the past.

Why have you not started your period 3 months after having a section and tubes tied your belly feels like it is getting a little bigger?

Every body, and every pregnancy recuperation for that matter, is different. You could be retaining water in that area to help you heal from the cesarian section. As for the periods, with my first I started periods right on schedule one month after birth (while nursing), but with my second I didn't have a period for two years (also while nursing).