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# it takes about 1-2months for a baby bird leaves its nest.

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Q: How long after eggs hatch do babies leave nest?
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how long does it take for turtle eggs to hatchanswer - about 6 to 9 weeksIt takes 60-90 days for a snapping turtle egg to hatch. usually August or September. If you find an egg in the water and it has been there more than an hour it won't hatch. if you find eggs on the road or the ground (if a mother turtle was hit by a car for example) as long as the eggs are not damaged , bury them 4-6" in a warm place and leave them. If you dig up a turtle nest, leave it alone.

Out of 10 eggs how many hatch?

ten if long enough the only exception is bad eggs the do not hatch and will crash your game

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