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Q: How long ago did cultures begin writing down their stories?
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How do Egyptians use hieroglyphs to communicate?

Hieroglyphics were the Ancient Egyptian form of writing. They were used for writing down everything, not just stories.

What was it like before writing was invented?

people passed down the stories of generations before them through oral tradition

Why is there little known about the ancient Indian civilization?

Because they did not use writing at the time and so they told stories and traditions through speaking and not actually recording their stories. As is passed down from person to person, information is missed out and soon the information disappears.

Homer's stories were passed down?

The Greek epic poet Homer compiled the orally passed down sagas, stories and legends of their national heros and is believed to have made them into books such as The Illiad and The Odessey on papyrus rolls, but no evidence seems to have remained. His version of those stories also were passed down orally from mouth to mouth for many more generations as learning and writing had not yet become a popular fashion and massive production of books and educational institutions had not then established itself, though his works had been popular even then, and writing on slabs and rolls had already been developed considerably.

Native American cultures used stories to accomplish what goals?

To carry on history. ANSWER Our stories are actually called Teachings in which have been passed down from generation to generation to yes, carry on history but also to learn from and guide new generations.

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Why did Megan McDonald become a writer?

she could tell her feelings and expressions by writing them down and then she begins to like writing stories

What is the definition of oral tradition?

Oral history is history that was not written down as it happened but after it had been passed down by word of mouth. Great grandparents told their children who told their children who told you. It was also stories that were handed down from generation to generation in cultures so that it would be remembered. Eventually it would be written, but when it was finally written there were no living wittnesses.

How do Egyptians use hieroglyphs to communicate?

Hieroglyphics were the Ancient Egyptian form of writing. They were used for writing down everything, not just stories.

How were the stories of patriarchs passed down?

Before the invention of writing, stories were passed down by word of mouth. A popular way was through the bards, who went from city to city singing the stories, such as the Iliad and Odyssey.

What was one of the first cultures to have writing in history?

Prehistoric man had drawrings but the Egyptians and the Romans actually wrote things down.

What was it like before writing was invented?

people passed down the stories of generations before them through oral tradition

Why are different Greek gods in charge of the same thing?

Stories were passed down from generation to generation and to different cultures and tweaked a little overtime. it just depended on the storyteller. we have found writings of the stories and just combined them.

Where was the first ghost seen?

There is no way of knowing, because people have been telling ghost stories since ancient times, long before anyone thought of writing the stories down.

When does a child start writing?

Children typically begin to show interest in writing around 3-4 years old. They may begin by scribbling, drawing simple shapes, or imitating writing seen in their environment. True writing with letters and words usually starts to emerge around ages 4-6 as they develop more fine motor skills and literacy understanding.

How were the stories of the Bible handed down (list 2)?

I don't really know, but from what I've researched, I will say: Orally In Writing

How do you teach a child to enjoy writing stories?

You can't teach this. What you can do is to read to, and with, your child; if there's an interest there in writing this might spark off that interest. Don't be disappointed is if doesn't. You never know what talents your child will display in the future. If your child enjoys telling stories, he or she might like writing them. Have your child tell you stories aloud - be sure to sit down and pay attention to them as if you were listening to a famous storyteller! Once they learn how to tell stories and keep you interested, you can help them write down what they have said. As the previous answer noted, try not to expect your child to become a storyteller - everyone has different gifts.