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Polar bears claws can grow as long as 7to8 inches and longer depending on the size of the bear.

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Q: How long are polar bear toe nails?
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Are there any new build a bear ville cheats for 2010?

Totally toe Nails in build a bear ville as in October there is a new toe nail bear coming out at just 12.99 Get your toe nail bear before they go !

Is nail polish good for your fingertoe nails?

I dont know wat FINGERTOE nails are but: Finger nails: its fine to wear nail polish on your finger nails. Dont keep it on for a long period of time because your nails will yellow ( which is NOT a pretty sight ) Try using nail hardeners by Sally Hansen. They worked for me and my nails are now LONG!!! Toe Nails: Toe are fine to paint. There actually easier to paint then finger nails. Once again you can use nail hardeners and that will make them stronger but remember to take it off in a couple of weeks so your toe nails wont turn YELLOW!

What are pock marks on your nails?

Toe Nails that have pock marks

What substance are naii?

Finger nails (and toe nails) are made of keratin.

Name something that grow on your feet?

Toe's, toe nails, bunion's, blisters.

How often should a man cut his toenails?

it really depends on the person how long it takes their toenails to grow. You shouldn't let the toe nails exceed the length of the toe

How can you get revenge on your sister?

paint your sisters toe nails while sleeping put glue on the toes and get a sock and put it on the glue on their toe nails

Ehay are footnails good for?

Toe nails are good for one thing. The only thing that toe nails are good for are to protect the nerves from getting damaged.

Do all monkeys have nails?

not all...most of them eat there nails off but they were born with nails.

Are toe nails a protein?

Yes nails are made from proteins. So are feathers and hair

Can ingrown toenails affect the wear of pointe shoes?

YES!! When you have ingrown toe nails the shoe does not fit as well and when you go on your box your standing on your toe nails.

Why does dogs legs click when they walk?

It is not the legs that are clicking but the toe nails of the dog. They are probably too long and need clipping.