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Generally it takes a few weeks to see antibodies from immunization.

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tetanus shots should be repeated every 10 years routinely. If you get a deep injury and it has been more than 5 years you should get an early booster.

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Q: How long does it take for the immunity to develop after taking tetanus shot?
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For how long anti tetanus has effect on human body?

Forget it Son/Daughter, cuz' it will stay forever in ur live. O yeah, I forget sometin', you can play "Your Mom" for Nitendo DS game has been sold worldwide. Huahaha...

Is horse serum used in tetanus vaccine?

No, and it never was. The tetanus vaccine only contains human immunoglobulin. There is something called tetanus anti-toxin that can be produced in horses or sheep. If you have a puncture wound and have never been immunized or it has been over 10 years since your last booster shot, your doctor may give you a shot of this antitoxin. It's like giving antivenom for a snakebite. This anti-toxin shot is NOT the same as the tetanus vaccine. It doesn't last long in your system, so it does not confer tetanus immunity.

How does a person become immune?

A person can become immune by being vaccinatedwhich helps the body to develop long-term immunity against a disease.

Can a tetanus vaccine cure tetanus?

You absolutely can die from tetanus if you do not receive the treatment, which is a LONG and painful process. In fact, that's why everyone is so adamant that you receive the vaccine known as a "tetanus shot."

How long before tetanus kill you?

Around $2.50

How long is a Tetanus shot valid?

12 months

How long you will live if you have tetanus?

It depends on the severity of the condition..

How long is tetanus vaccine good for?

7-10 years I am a nurse at a doctor's office and we give lots of tetanus shots!

How using a vaccine may give a long-term immunity to malaria?

how using a vaccine may give long term immunity to malaria

When should horses receive there first tetanus?

A foal gets his immunity from the first milk from the mare called colostrum. As long as the mare is healthy and current on her vaccinations the foal is good to go for about six months. At this point it is good to consult your vet to see what he recommends but this is about the time (give or take) to start his life-long series of vaccinations.

How do you prevent getting tetanus?

When you're an adult, you don't have to get your tetanus shot every 10 years if you don't want to. Doctors don't have time to chase everybody to make sure they have their shots every 10 years. They have more important things to do than that. If you have diabetes, epilepsy, asthma, HIV, cancer or any other uncurable disease, your physician can force you to get vaccinated every 10 years. He/she can force you to get the flu shot every year if you have health problems. But as long as you're an adult and you have no health problems, they can't force you to get a tetanus shot. If you have a bad burn, a deep cut that requires stitches, an animal bite or a surgery, the doctors can force you to get your tetanus shot. If they don't force you to get your tetanus shot and you develop diphteria or the tetanus disease, you could sue the doctors. Or if you're in a position where you can't sue ( wich would probably be the case), your family would sue the doctors for you.