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a bee can live between 6-8 years but if it stings someone it will die.

I am sorry however this answer is mostly wrong in the following ways;

  1. Worker female bees can live through winter when not doing any work,

    however when a work is foraging for nectar or pollen, the median life is three weeks and they work themselves to death. And the hive survives.

  2. The queen has a barb-less stinger and therefore does not do damage to herself when she stings. But she does not leave the hive so does not have the opportunity to sting in defense. Her stinger is used to kill rival queen before they hatch. She can and does live several years.

I hope this clears up the question.

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11y ago
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Lvl 1
3y ago
That sounds more correct then 6-8 years. From my research It says that a queen bee can live 2 to 3 years and worker bees can live five months during the off-season and about 40 days during the work season.
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14y ago

A honey bee queen usually lives for about three years, although she can live for up to five.

Workers that are produced at the end of summer will over-winter in the hive and can live for four to six months, but workers that go out to forage in the summer will usually only live for about six weeks -- they really do wear themselves out.

Drones (males) can live for up to about four months, but any drone that mates with a queen will die afterwards, whatever his age. Also, at the end of summer all drones are thrown out of the hive by the workers and they die. New drones are produced in the following spring.

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14y ago

Some people can go a lifetime without being stung.

It is whoever lived the longest life without being stung

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Lvl 1
3y ago
I went years, but just got stung today :'(
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Kohen Wentzel

Lvl 1
1y ago
I don't wanna jinx it, but I never got stung by a bee, wasp, or hornet in my life and I'm 13 years old. But I feel like imma get stung this summer or later this spring

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15y ago

Well they drink nectar. I don't imagine it could last more than a day or two without becoming dehydrated.

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13y ago

Einstien predicted 4 years. He seems smart enough to trust but there might have been some breakthroughs since then.

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9y ago

Bees will live on if undisturbed until their full life cycle is met, unless they lose their stinger. Bees begin to die immediately following the loss of its stinger.

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12y ago

It would be hard ...... They are all over

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13y ago

a week

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Q: How long can a bee live without its stinger?
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That would probably by a bumble bee moth.

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No it hasn't.Just think about it! It is impossible.When bees sting you, they remove there stinger so it gets stuck in your skin. The best way to remove a bee sting is to takeA) FingernailsB) Pincerand to pull it out. The bee, without its stinger, cannot live, it suffers for a while and dies after.jokypants1Answer Positiveness: 90%

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A bee's stinger is modified ovipositor, the organ that a female bee uses to lay eggs. For worker bees, which are sterile, their ovipositor has evolved into a stinger only. For queen bees, the stinger does double duty as a stinger and an egg layer. Bees without stingers are most likely male. If there exists species of stingless bees, then the ovipositor did not evolve into a stinger organ for those species.

Can you describe a bee stinger?

You are correct, it is called a stinger.[1] ---- Actually, stinger is the colloquial term. It is more properly called a sting. (See the related link)

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Getting a bee stinger out is not easy. The best way to get out a bee stinger would be with a pair of tweezers.

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You don't. Unlike a honey bee, a wasp withdraws its stinger after stinging and a honey bee leaves its stinger stuck in your skin.

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