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There are a variety of millipedes kept as pets that are generally called giant millipedes or giant African millipedes (e.g. Archispirostreptus spp, Scaphiostreptus spp). There are several species available, but there is often confusion over the exact species since species identification can be quite difficult in living specimens and there appears to be some dispute over the correct scientific names of some millipedes. However, while there is some variation in appearance, the giant millipedes are largely similar in their characteristics and care.

Quick Facts

  • Adult size is about 10 inches long.
  • In general, giant millipedes have an expected lifespan of about 7-10 years.
  • They have two main modes of defense if they feel threatened: they curl into a tight spiral, and they secrete an irritating liquid from pores on their body. This liquid can be harmful if it gets in your eyes or mouth so you must wash your hands after handling a millipede. Some people are more sensitive to the liquid than others, and some species are more "toxic" than others.
  • They can be handled, and are quite docile and slow moving.
  • They get along fine with others so you can keep more than one per tank. They do breed quite readily so if you have males and females together you may find yourself with babies. Male millipedes have modified legs on the 7th body segment called gonopods. These legs look different than the other legs (they have grasping claws) and are often carried tucked up under the body.
  • Millipedes do not actually have a thousand legs - they usually have between 100-400 (2 sets of legs per body segment). Each time they molt, they add more segments and therefore more legs.

Housing Giant Millipedes

  • Cage Size: as a general rule, a 10-15 gallon aquarium is ample room for a couple of millipedes. Make sure the length of the tank is at least twice the length of the millipede (and the width as wide as the millipede is long). Floor space is more important than height. A lid is a good idea.
  • Substrate: millipedes like to burrow a bit so a good layer (3-4 inches) of peat moss or a peat moss/soil mixture (no chemical or fertilizer added) can form the base. This can be covered with some sphagnum moss and pieces of bark to provide additional cover. Leaf litter can also be used, although you may want to freeze it first to kill insects in it. The substrate should be kept damp (but not wet).
  • Heat and Humidity: there are varied opinions on the appropriate temperatures for giant millipedes. Since millipedes hail from tropical climates, many keepers recommend that the tank should be kept at about 75-80 F (24-27 C) or even as high as 85 F (30 C). An under tank heater on a thermostat (as sold for reptile keeping) placed under one half of the tank can be used to heat the tank. If placing a heater under the tank warms the substrate too much or dries it out, the heat pad can be affixed to the side or part of the back of the tank. On the other hand, many keepers do not provide supplemental heat. If this is the case, make sure your room temperature during the day is at least 72 F (22 C), although a slight drop at night should be okay. The humidity level should also be kept quite high, and this can be achieved by keeping the substrate damp (not wet) with regular misting.
  • Light: no special lighting is required, and should be avoided as the millipedes will spend most of their time hiding to avoid the light.
  • Water: provide a bit fresh drinking water in a very shallow dish, and clean regularly.
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12y ago
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15y ago

Millipedes are 1 - 11 in. (2.5 - 28 cm) long.


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9y ago

Millipedes vary in terms of how big they can grow. On average, they will grow to around 35 centimeters ling and about 2 millimeters wide.

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14y ago

There is no definite answer. There are many different centipedes and millipedes.

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9y ago

The average size of a millipede is an estimated 20 centimeters.

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How long does a millipede live?

Depending on the species, a millipede may live anywhere from one to ten years. There are around 12,000 known species of millipede.

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A millipede is a small invertebrate belonging to the Phylum Arthropoda.Unlike its name seems to suggest, the millipede does not have one million legs.I tried counting the legs on a millipede, but it wouldn't stay still long enough. My cat was fascinated as it sat in the garden watching a millipede. The millipede tickled as it crawled over my foot.

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Some millipedes can grow up to a foot in length.

What is a sentence for millipede?

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Is an millipede an invertabrate?

yes a millipede is an invertabrate. :)

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You can find a millipede in the sand

How do you get rid of millipede s?

Get millipede killer!!

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