

How long can a wild elephant live?

Updated: 8/10/2023
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15y ago

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Average life span of an Africian savanna elephant that lives in the wild is 60 years.

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14y ago

70 to 80

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Upto 70-75 years

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70 to 80

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Q: How long can a wild elephant live?
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How long can an elephant live for in the wild?

About 60 years

How long do elephants live?

An elephant's lifespan seems to vary, but the average is between 40-60 years. One Asian elephant was documented to have lived 86 years. On the other hands, captive elephants live nowhere near as long as their wild counterparts.

How long does an elephant live on average?

In the wild it lives from 60-70 years and in captivity it lives from 70-80 years.

How long do elephants typically live?

An elephant's lifespan seems to vary, but the average is between 40-60 years. One Asian elephant was documented to have lived 86 years. On the other hands, captive elephants live nowhere near as long as their wild counterparts.

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Why don't African and Asian elephants live as long in zoos than they do in the wild?

Because they are not in their natural environment. No matter what the zoo does it will never be as good for the elephant as its natural environment

How long do Asian elephants survive in captivity?

The average life span of an Asian elephant is 80 years while in captivity and around 60 years in the wild

Is the elephant a wild animal?

Both African and Asian elephants live in the wild. However, Asian elephants have been domesticated for centuries.

How long does elephet live for?

Elephant can live 70 years or more.

What is the elephant home name?

the habitats of an elephant are grasslands,marshes forest,deserts, and mountains. It depends on what type of elephant it is.

What is the lifespand of an elephant?

the average lifespan of a wild African elephant is 60 years but in few cases they may live near 80 years old