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hundreds to thousands of years

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Q: How long can primary succession take to be completed?
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Related questions

What kind of succession can take hundreds or even thousands of years to develop into a climax community?

Primary succession.

Which is a likley location for primary succession?

Primary succession might take place on a volcano or on newly formed islands

Is primary succession faster than secondary succession?

Secondary succession is faster than primary succession because soil is already there and the soil usually contains many seeds.

Why does primary succession take longer that secondary succession?

Soil nutrients remain in the area which enables plants to grow.

Why does secondary succession typically proceed faster than primary succession?

I takes longer for primary succession than secondary succession to go back to its original state

What begins in a place without any soil and can take hundreds of years?

primary succession

How long does secondary succession take?

A few hundred years.

What would the changes in communities that take place on a recently formed volcanic island best be described as?

Primary succession

What would the changes in communities that take place on a recently formed volcanic island best described as?

Primary succession

What arΓ© causes for succession occurs?

A volcano could make a land devoid of life, retreating glaciers, a very thorough fire, and being Paved over. When the primary succession would take place and bring back the plants, I am not sure, Those are just situations that could set up a possible site for Primary succession to take place.

How long does it take for a Forrest to form in a secondary succession?

From bare rock... I think 80yrs.

When was the Titanic built and how long did it take?

titanic was completed in 1911