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6 months 23 days 3 minutes and 34.4 seconds, but my hamster was constipated

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Q: How long can take giving birth between a baby hamster and another?
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Related questions

Will your hamster need assistance when giving birth?

No. Your hamster will actually like it better if you leave her alone when giving birth.

What can you do for a pregnant hamster when she is giving birth?

Remove the male hamster from the cage and put it in another one. Just make sure you give enough nutrients to the female hamster.

Is a hamster giving birth when it has a bloody bottom?

The stupid hamster's but will bleed and get a scar for the rest of its life By: mahad

Are there eating process signs a hamster is giving birth?

When a hamster is getting ready to give birth, she will likely refuse food. She will make a nest, and will not want to leave it.

Why did my pregnant hamster died before giving birth?

It mite of been a big stress for her to give birth.

When is it safe to hold a mom hamster after giving birth?

After 4-5 weeks

Can you hold a mother hamster?

you can hold the mother a few days after giving birth.

Is it normal for a hamster to be bleeding 1 year after giving birth?

yes its have periods

When can you separate a baby hamster from a mother hamster after giving birth?

no because you should not because different hamsters breast feed

Can you leave another female hamster in the cage after the mother has given birth?

no you cant have two females in the same cage after one has giving birth they will fight over the babies... and the other female might try to eat the new born babies.

If a hamster has babies can it die?

Yes, the hamster can die. Hamsters do not always die when giving birth, however, so don't be too scared! Hamsters breed to continue the hamster society. There is about a 50% chance they will not survive.

What is it called when a hamster gives birth?

a baby hamster