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Q: How long can you be dilated 2 cm and 70 percent effaced?
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If you are 1 cm dilated and 80 percent effaced how long until you go into labor?

I am also 1cm dilated and 80% effaced...1 week ago I was 1 cm dilated and 70% effaced. It is different for everyone...Although my DR. said the norm was 3 days after you lose your mucus plug...good luck

What does it mean when the doctors says 2 cm and 30 percent effaced?

it mean that person not in the stage of disease which shows symptoms but he has organisms in body which cause disease. if the number of microorganism is increased 40 percent, it shows symptoms OR, it could apply to the childbirth process. Basically how much the cervical opening has pulled back or thinned. But this is also tied to how much the cervix has dilated, or opened up to allow the child to be born. Fully dilated is 10 cm.

If you are 38 weeks with first pregnancy contractions 3 minutes apart lasting 70 seconds and dilated at a 2 with 80 effaced will labor come soon after having two cervatals?

If your contractions are three min. apart then you probably already are in labor especially if you are already dilated and 80% effaced. If the contractions aren't regular then you aren't in labor but if it turns out that your not then you will most likely be going into labor really soon.

How long does it take to go into labor if you are 36 weeks 1cm and 70 percent effaced but baby hasn't dropped?

You could go into labout tomorrow or you may have to wait 3-4 weeks, there is no way of telling.

If you are 4 cm dilated and 85 percent effaced and have starting having false labor how long until you go into true labor?

It totally depends! If you think you are going into labor, call your doctor or just go into the hospital. They will be able to tell you. I was 3 cm dilated for weeks and weeks! I got up to 70% effaced by 38 weeks. I went into labor and went into the hospital, however they sent me home because I didn't dilate past 3 cm in the entire hour I was there. 6 hours later I had my baby! So it happened very quickly for me. Pretty much RIGHT when I got home from my first trip to the hospital I started going into true and hard labor! Good Luck. :)

Is 0.70 is 70 percent?

Yes because 70 percent is 70/100 which is .70

Is the percent of ocean on earth 70 percent or 75 percent?


What is 70 percent of 83 percent?

70 percent of 83 percent is 0.581 or 58.1%

What is 70 percent of 70?

70x0.7=49 so 70% of 70 is 49 70 percent in decimal form is .7 Multiply 70 by .7 to determine 70 percent of 70 = 49.

What is the percent of 49 out of 70?

49/70 x 100 = 70 percent.

How do you get 25 percent of 70?

25 percent of 70 = 17.525% of 70= 25% * 70= 0.25 * 70= 17.5

What is 27 percent of 70?

27 percent of 70 = 18.927% of 70= 27% * 70= 0.27 * 70= 18.9