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Your question is not put in a fully understandable way. There are therfore two possible answers to your question. One is it took from the time they were able to understand till the time they died. The other possible answer is that it takes but a very short time from the time the spirit leaves the body till it reaches the spirit world. It is certain that you will be escorted by someone you know and has died. They or even these persons will escort you to your proper place in the spirit world.

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Q: How long did it take in ancient Egypt to get to the afterlife?
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They needed the items that they used in their first lives. They needed the items that they used in their first lives to take to the afterlife.

What type of objects of the ancient Egypt take with them to the afterlife?

Clothing, jewelry, weapons, games, lots of stuff.

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average time as now

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For the Pharoah's journey to the after life.

Did all pharaohs in ancient Egypt have pyramids?

No, mostly just pharaohs were buried in pyramids. Some pharaohs actually killed servants to take with them to the afterlife. Pharaohs paid the embalmer to mummify the servants. To the servants it would be a great honor to be mummified and be taken to the afterlife with their king.

How long did it take to become pharoah in ancient Egypt?

You were able to become pharaoh whenever one of your close relatives died and you were next in line.

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well, because they were buried with these items. on the journey to the afterlife they take these valuable item with them so they are rich in the afterlife and have a righteous afterlife for all eternity

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What did Hatshepsut take to the afterlife

How did ancient Egypt coffins open and close?

you take off the heavy covering

In ancient Egypt when you died did the take your brain out through your nose your?

they take your brian out and put it in a jar i think

How long does it take to get to Egypt from Rome by ship?

A cruise ship can travel from Rome to Egypt in 12 to 14 days. Additional days can easily be added for anyone wishing to see more of the Ancient Roman Empire along the way.

Is Mesopotamia where mummification take place?

No, it's Egypt. They believed that the body needed to be preserved when entering the afterlife in order to stand in the presence of Osiris (the god of the dead).