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It is not recommended to stop Lexapro cold turkey. Everyone's withdrawal period is different, and the amount of time it takes to be fully off the drug depends on many factors. Check out this link for information on the topic:

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13y ago

Withdrawl on celexa can be devistating keep braking your pills in half every two weeks, go slow and you may need to take a half of a 10mg just to deal with withdrawl symptoms, be very carefull and watch your emotions be cool and breathe deep go very slow and you will be fine I did it after 7 years on 60mg of celexa.

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9y ago

Lexapro withdrawals last around 3 days but can go up to 1 week.

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Q: How long do withdrawal symptoms last from stopping lexapro cold turkey?
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No, the actual process of taking the acid will not produce withdrawal symptoms. Withdrawal symptoms appear when someone is trying to quit the drug, or go 'cold turkey.' quitting the use of any drug will cause withdrawal symptoms, it just depends on how often you used the drug, and for how long, to how severe the symptoms will be, and how long they will last for.

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Caffeine withdrawal is real. Besides causing slight depression, it can cause severe headaches. The good thing about it is it that is very short withdrawal as your body gets used to it, and it isn't life-altering. Quitting caffeine (or anything) cold turkey is always the best method. Find a counselor-type person -NOT a bartender- at least temporarily.

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Yes, it can. You should not quit taking mental health drugs without the advice of a physician and cutting back slowly. Going off them cold turkey can cause serious side effects.

How long do Lexapro withdrawal symptoms last?

Two of the most likely possibilities are:If you suddenly stop taking Lexapro, you may feel like you have the flu. You also might have trouble sleeping, have an upset stomach, have shock-like sensations in the arms and hands, feel dizzy, or feel nervous. This usually begins within 1 to 10 days after you stop taking Lexapro. It is not dangerous or life threatening and usually goes away within one week. Not everyone who stops taking antidepressants experiences this syndrome, and it is less likely if medicines are slowly tapered off over a few weeks.The other possibility is the return of depression symptoms. Antidepressants need to be continued for at least 6 to 18 months in most people for depression symptoms to stay away when the medicines are stopped. Stopping them too early means that within days to weeks (occasionally 1 to 2 months) symptoms of depression return. These can include irritability, fatigue and change in appetite, among others. Sometimes people need to be on antidepressants for a longer than usual, or even indefinite period of time.Always consult a medical professional before discontinuing your use of any antidepressant.(See the discussion page in the link below for more input and personal stories from Wiki s contributors)

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Withdrawal periods and intensity from short acting opiates like Dilaudid (hydromorphone hydrocloride) depend on individual body chemistry, dose and duration of use, as well as other factors. But if you have been using a significant dose for months or more... the acute withdrawal upon stopping cold turkey will generally last about a week, peaking somewhere around days 2-4. Following acute withdrawal will be from weeks to months of increased lethargy until your system fully normalizes. Withdrawal symptoms can be minimized if you are able to slowly taper off the drug.

Only on lexapro for 2 months what's the best way to quit?

The best way is to Speak the the doctor who prescribed it. There is a weening process with lexapro. Due to its half life (the amount of time it stays in your system after you've stopped taking it) you will have to slowly cut down your intake until you stop taking it comepletely. Be sure to work with your Doctor on this as some side effects can occur if you stop taking it cold turkey. As a side note if you have only been taking them for two months it may be a bit early to think about stopping the medication so soon. Even if you feel better stopping now could cause a relapse of symptoms. Again speak to your Doctor first.

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Cold turkey means to stop smoking with no gradual reduction i.e. you give your system a short sharp shock as smoking stops and nicotine is withdrawn from your system. Quitting smoking cold turkey does not have a high success rate, due to the extreme symptoms that nicotine withdrawal causes, and most of them start smoking again. It works for people who are strong willed and also beneficial as the withdrawal symptoms are only there for about a week and the nicotine is out of the system in a month. The success rate of this method is about 1/3 rd.

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If you come off cold turkey than it will be the worst thing mentally, emotionally, and especially physically you have ever gone through in your life. The symptoms are flu like. Cold sweats, insomnia, sneezing, irritability, body aches, diarrhea, vomiting, and wet dreams are also common cause your sex drive returns in a big way after being methadone for awhile. Never quit this stuff cold turkey, get on suboxone first from a doctor then slowly decrease off that.