

How long do bantams lay for?

Updated: 11/5/2022
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12y ago

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You have used Bantam as if it were a specific breed of hen. Bantams are just smaller versions of a standard breed. Almost every breed of chicken is available in standard (large) or Bantam (small).

On average a chicken will start to lay eggs at about 7 months old. Some breeds earlier, while other breeds mature later. The peak laying happens for about 18 months and then begins to drop. Most hens stop laying eggs at about 3 years old.

See "related links" for breed descriptions and rate of lay.

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There are bantams of just about every breed. Bantams are not just a single breed, bantams describe the size of the bird. There are bantam Cochin which lay brown eggs. Bantam silkies that lay white eggs and Bantam Americana's that lay green eggs. So the answer to your question is They lay White, Brown, green, blue, rose, lavender and various other shades of eggs.

Do bantams lay edible eggs?

Yes. The only difference between a bantam's egg and the standard chicken's egg is that they are about half the size.

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It depends on what breed of chicken it is - normal laying hens lay about 150-200 eggs a year, but chickens like bantams and ornamental breeds lay about 80-120 eggs a year. Hybrid hens lay about 300 eggs a year! The record for most eggs laid in a year is 364. A day off for christmas?

Where were bantams from originally?

They are from China/Asia.

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78 yrs

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Yes. Bantams and standard breed normally get along well once the pecking order is established. Bantams are often quite aggressive so it would not be unusual for the bantam rooster to be the dominant bird.