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Various sources indicate that overnight fasting needs to be from 8 to 12 hours. It is obviously important to reach the minimum, but also to not exceed 16 hours as this can yield unreliable results.

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How long do you fast for a fasting blood test for metabolic functions?

that depends how fast you can fast when fasting for a fasting blood test for metabolic functions.

How long should I fast for a tsh blood test?

No. Fasting is only required for lab tests which examine lipids, sugars (blood glucose, glycohemoglobin, etc.) and amino acids.

How long do you fast before a lipids blood test?

Twelve hours, according to my cardiologist.

If you fast too long will the blood test be invalidated?

It depends on the type of blood test. For fasting sugar tests it can have an affect. Fasting longer than 12 to 14 hours will cause your body to start utilizing glycogen that is primarily stored in your muscles and that can affect blood tests for fasting sugar.

How long after a fasting blood test can you eat?

After a fasting blood sample you can eat immediately.

How long do Muslims fast for at sawm?

From sunrise to sunset. This time varies with location and time of year. For example, fasting during winter is shorter than fasting during summer. Also, fasting near the equator is shorter than fasting near the poles. At extreme latitudes, sunrise and sunset can be months apart; it is impossible to fast for that long. Muslims use different estimations for prayer and fasting times at such places. Some fast for more than 20 hours.

How long do you fast for a blood sugar test?

I believe it varies depending on which test they are performing. Some test do not require fasting and others require fasting for about 6-8 hrs while others require 10-12 while some require more. When in doubt about which one it is ask your doctor or lab technician.

Can you chew gum while fasting?

NO, You can't chew gum while fasting. As soon as you chew a gum while fasting your fast will break. But, if you're in fast for weight loss then if you think that gum helps you then you can go for it.

Can christians drink coffee while fasting?

You decide what you are fasting. There are different types of fasts. You can fast anything. You can do a fast where you only drink juice, or you may only drink water and eat crackers, or you may just not eat meat and sweets. The important thing about fasting is the condition of your heart and why you are fasting. It is all about the spirit that you do it in. There is no set rule about what you fast or for how long. God will honor your sacrifice if you fast in the right spirit. Please read Isaiah 58. It will tell how to fast acceptably to God.

Should you fast or not coz your menses are back after one year of giving birth in the month of Ramadan but the sign of blood is undetectable?

Basically, women can't do fasting in Ramadhan month where they are in monthly period (menstruation) OR after maternity period. We know Al Qur'an said that women monthly blood are dirty thing which burden women worship. When the blood REALLY come out (means that you can see the red stripe on the 1st day) then you have to stop praying and can't do fasting for 10 days long until the blood stop. But, if the blood doesn't stop for more than 10 days then you have to start praying and fasting as you have to check your condition to the right doctor to avoid any health problem inside your body. Same with women in maternity period. If the blood still come out then you don't have to pray and fasting the whole month until the blood really stop. The conclusion is, keep fasting as long as no blood come out from your sex. Even if you pregnant and you think u might able to fasting without burden your baby's nutrient, keep fasting because it's good for your health. Hope this might help.

Can you use mouthwash before a fasting blood test?

As long as you don't swallow it, you should be fine!

How long do you need to fast for on fast diets?

It really depends on the type of fasting diet. Most fasting diets require that you cut out specific things from your diet like sugar and carbs for a set amount of time, usually 2 weeks.