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it is safe to smoke 5 to 6 days after profiding

u wash ur mouth with salt water every time u smoke and keep smoking to a minimum

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12y ago

NEVER! you shouldn't be smoking at all!

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Q: How long do you have to wait after you get your wisdom teeth pulled to smoke?
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Can you smoke weed 36 hours after getting you wisdom teeth pulled?

I just got my wisdom teeth pulled as well about that long ago and was wondering the same thing, but everywhere I have looked it says a minimum of 48 hours to prevent dry socket. Sounds like 72 hours is best though....... Oh well...

What if you have a hole where your wisdom teeth where taken out how long should you wait to smoke?

Smoking is not recommended under any circumstances.

How long until getting teeth pulled can you smoke cigarettes or bun weed or drink alcohol?

If you brush your teeth regularly, it shouldn't be a problem. Stains maybe.

How long after treating dry sockets of wisdom teeth can you smoke?

Same as smoking cigarettes 3 days they say

Are wisdom teeth permanent teeth?

It really depends on the tooth. When I got two baby teeth pulled out, my dentist saw that one had an abnormally long root/spur.

When should you have wisdom teeth removed?

So long as they're healthy and not causing problems with your jaw, there's no need to have wisdom teeth removed. Everyone's teeth are different, so any decision to keep or remove wisdom teeth should be made in conjunction with your dentist and/or orthodontist.

Had all 4 wisdom teeth pulled July 26 2012 today is Saturday how long before you can eat real food again?

about 7 days later

How long should your face stay swollen after you had a wisdom and 9 other teeth pulled?

You will be tender for about 4 to 5 days. It probably feels like you got socked in mouth.

How long should you wait to smoke a cigerette after getting teeth pulled?

A week or so, when teeth are pulled there is a need for the space to heal up some, smoking prevents it from healing well faster. So I'd suggest waiting awhile or you might have to deal with pain longer

How long do you stay home after wisdom teeth surgery?

After I removed two of my wisdom teeth I stayed home for at least 1 week

How long will the teeth be sensitive after wisdom teeth extraction?

it's depend on you. If you have healthy will do better in a week.

How long do you wait until the canine teeth can pulled out?

Forever... canine teeth should not be pulled out. You will not be able to chew meat well.