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Q: How long does a Harlem globe trtters show last?
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How long did the battle of Harlem Heights last for?

a couple of hours

How long do Harlem globetrotters games last?

Roughly two and a half hours.

How long does the theater season last at the new Globe Theatre?

They open in April and close in October.

How long did the Battle of Harlem Heights last?

It lasted most of a full day and was the first Continental Army victory of the Revolutionary War.

How long did Harlem Renaissance last?

The Renaissance lasted for 24 years ... The years from 1910- 1934 The Renaissance lasted for 24 years ... The years from 1910- 1934

How far is Harlem from Long Island?

In a straight line, the neighborhood of Harlem, from its southernmost boundary at 105th St. on the shoreline of the Harlem River to the point on Long Island immediately across the river it is 918 and a half feet. Driving distance up the FDR/Harlem River Drive to the Robert F. Kennedy toll bridge is about 1.5 miles to the shore of Long Island. If you meant, how far is Harlem from the part of Long Island that is not part of New York City, then, the distance is about 11.3 miles (18.2 kilometers) from Harlem to Nassau County, which is directly east of Queens.

How long would the performances in the Globe Theatre last?

Most plays lasted for about 2 Hours. This is attested to in the Prologue of Romeo and Juliette.

Is globe a short vowel or long vowel?

The word globe is a long vowel. It would be a short vowel if the word globe was spelled as "glob". Otherwise, it is a long vowel.

How long did the Beje go for and where was it?

the beje was in Harlem, Holland and it is still standing today

How long was the globe theatre burnt down for?

the globe theatre burnt down for 1 hour

How long did it take to construct the globe theatre?

it toke 6 month's to construct the globe theatre

Is Globe a short o vowel word?

No, "Globe" is not a short 'o' vowel word. The 'o' in "Globe" is pronounced as a long vowel sound.