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To begin with, baby platypuses only stay with their mother. The father has nothing to do with raising the young.
Baby platypuses suckle from their mother for three to four months. They then spend several more months with the mother, learning to hunt. Young platypuses stay with their mother for up to a year.

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A long time. :D

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about 1 yoear XD

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Q: How long does the mother and father platypus stay together?
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How long does an adult platypus stay with its young?

The young platypus stays with its mother for three to four months.

How long does a baby platypus stay in the burrow?

A baby platypus stays in the chamber of its mother's burrow for about six weeks.

How long does the platypus protext its babys?

A baby platypus nurses from its mother for three to four months. After that, it stays with its mother until it is around a year old, learning to hunt for itself. Although platypuses are solitary animals, the mother and babies do form a small family group for up to a year.

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How long do platypus eggs need to be incubated?

Fertilised platypus eggs stay in the mother's body for around 28 days. The egg is incubated by the mother curling around it and keeping it warm and dry in the chamber of the burrow for another 10 days.

How long does the baby platypus stay in its egg?

A baby platypus incubates in the egg for ten days before hatching. It then remains in the chamber at the end of its mother's breeding burrow for several months.

How long does a mother platypus have to wait to lay her eggs?

Platypuses are one of only two types of mammals to lay eggs. Fertilised platypus eggs stay in the mother's body for around 28 days. The egg is incubated by the mother curling around it and keeping it warm and dry in the chamber of the burrow for another 10 days.

How long is a platypus nursed by its mother?

After hatching, the mother platypus feeds her young on milk secreted from glands, rather than from teats. They are suckled by the mother for 3-4 months, during which time she only leaves them to forage for food. Aft this time, she teaches them how to find food, and they stay with her until they are around a year old.

How long does the mother take care of her babie?

The mother platypus feeds her babies on mothers' milk for about four months. The young then continue to stay with her for between 18 months and two years.

How long is the maternity of a platypus?

Platypuses are one of only two types of mammals to lay eggs. Fertilised platypus eggs stay in the mother's body for around 28 days. The egg is incubated by the mother curling around it and keeping it warm and dry in the chamber of the burrow for another 10 days.

How long do you separate the male hamster from the female during birth?

Once my two hamsters had babies, I separated the father from the mother permanently, because if you put the babies and the father together, the father could kill the babies because he thinks they will challenge him for leader of the cage.

How long does platypus eggs hatch?

Platypuses are one of only two types of mammals to lay eggs. Fertilised platypus eggs stay in the mother's body for around 28 days. The egg is incubated by the mother curling around it and keeping it warm and dry in the chamber of the burrow for another 10 days.