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A rotator cuff surgery can have you out for about 6 weeks before you are functional again. Just do as the doctor says after surgery, take you pain medicines and therapy if needed and you will be fine.

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Q: How long does it take for a strained rotator cuff to heal?
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What are the normal results of rotator cuff surgery?

The prognosis for the long-term relief from rotator cuff syndrome is good, especially when both conservative and surgical therapeutic approaches are used.Complete recovery following surgery may take several months.

What is a rotator cuff injury definition?

Well, your 'rotator cuff' is comprised of four muscles: Supraspinatus, Infraspinatus, Teres Minor, and Subscapularis. These four muscles encompass, and therefore stabolize, the glenohumeral joint (the joint where your arm[humerus bone] joins your shoulder blade[scapula bone]). These muscles help move your arm at the shoulder in all angles. So, if you have a 'rotator cuff tear' it is an injury or strain to one or more of these muscles.

What is workmans comp settlement scale for rotator cuff surgery?

The workman's comp settlement scale for rotator cuff surgery depends on a variety of factors including how long the employee is off work and how serious the injury is. In general, employees can expect to receive two-thirds of their salary for this type of injury.

How long before you can play basketball after rotator cuff surgery?

It all depends on how bad the injury was and what they had to repair. Also, depends on how you heal, and how you take care of your shoulder, and do your home and therapy exercises consistently. Im 18 and been having shoulder problems since playing baseball at 16. I had rotator cuff surgery in December of 2011, and 2 1/2 months later I started shooting and playing basketball. Im a pitcher so it will be awhile until I can start light throwing again, but I have no pain shooting basketball. Just go to therapy and you will be okay

How long does it take for strained vocal cords to heal on complete vocal rest?

it depends with people and the severity of the damage.maybe few days to months.

How long does it take a strained deltoid muscle to heal?

There is no set time for any strained muscle to heal, it is all dependent on the individual. It would be recommened to rest the strained muscle as much as possible as anything too strenuous will increase the length of recovery. There is a good five step process to remember called PRICE, this stands for: protection, rest, ice, compression & elevation Go to the above link for a helpful guide on how to treat a strained muscle. Hope this helps. Aaron

What will happen if you don't get rotator cuff in shoulder treated?

The torn muscles of the rotator cuff will not naturally repair themselves, so they will not actually be healed. Generally speaking, there are two results that can occur after a torn rotator cuff. Either it will stabilize, which will cause the symptoms to disappear, or it will get worse. The best hope is that the pain and immobility will get better with time. The two primary objectives of both therapy and surgery are alleviating pain and increasing mobility. Symptoms of a rotator cuff tear can be classified into two categories: minimal and grave. Minimal symptoms are characterized by a level of pain that is tolerable and by the return of function with time. These symptoms are certainly annoying but they will eventually go away and they won't hinder you for life. To deal with these minimal symptoms, surgery is not required. These tears are likely to be very small and if you rest, take appropriate medication, and undergo proper physical therapy, they will not cause long-term problems. With time and care, you will be back to your old self.

What muscles are active in scapulohumeral rhythm?

deltoideus,rotator cuff, serratus anterior, terres major et minor, biceps brachii long head, latissimus dorsi, levator scapulae, romboidei, pectoralis major et minor

What are the causes of shoulder pain and how to get relief from that?

Various causes can trigger shoulder pain. The most prominent cause of shoulder pain is rotator cuff tendinitis. It is a condition that is characterized by swollen tendons. Another common cause of shoulder pain is impingement syndrome, where the rotator cuff gets caught between the acromion and humeral head. Sometimes, shoulder pain results from injury to another location in your body, usually the neck or biceps. This is known as referred pain. Referred pain generally doesn’t get worse when you move your shoulder. Other causes of shoulder pain include arthritis, torn cartilage, rotator cuff, etc.   Physical therapy is a very effective and non-surgical treatment for treating shoulder pain. An experienced physical therapist can be beneficial in providing long-term relief from neck pain.

How long is recovery from rotator cuff surgery?

It usually takes between four and six months to fully recover from rotator cuff surgery. The first couple weeks after the surgery, the arm has to remain immobilized; after this, physical therapy begins and becomes more intense over the weeks to follow. A person's overall health, whether they smoke, and if their blood sugar is controlled (if they have diabetes) can all make a large difference on how well he or she will heal from the surgery and how quickly he or she will be able to have full use of their arm again. Usually after the first week it starts getting better, but it depends on you following doctor's advice. I had this procedure 2 years ago, for the first week it was VERY VERY rough but the next week it was better by the third week, it was back to business as usual. the first week is important, no activity at all. I had rotator cuff surgery and was in a sling and immobilized for 1 week. Then, went to physical therapy and was told to do a few exercises letting my arm drop down to my side and just let it move in small circles...moving it with the momentum of your body. The Dr. also told me to leave it out of my sling at home..but never to try to raise it above my shoulder height, or to try and reach my hand where I could not see it. When going out in public, to wear my sling. Every week I attend physical therapy. I am at week 4 and being able to do most normal movements..except any lifting. I had arthroscopic surgery, and I am told it is very different from the way it used to be done, which I am sure it makes a difference with your recovery.

What is a good exercise for a torn rotator cuff?

*IMPORTANT* - Get your doctor's clearance before starting any exercise for a joint injury. Also, no exercise can heal rotator cuff. It can increase mobility and decrease pain. One of the most gentle exercises for rotator cuff is to stand beside a wall with the affected shoulder facing the wall. Put your fingertips on the wall and step out//away from the wall until your arm is level with your shoulder and only the fingertips are touching the wall. Now, "walk" your fingers up the wall as far as you can. Stop if pain. Then, walk your fingers back down the wall. Repeat 10x and redo the exercise up to 3 times a day. A second exercise.... Put your affected arm straight down, with your hand on the side of your hip. Raise your arm as high as you can without pain. Now pretend you are moving your arm in the air, from 3 pm position to 11 am position... so, 3, 2, 1, 12, 11.... then go backward, 11, 12, 1, 2, 3. Repeat the whole sequence at least 5x. Hint: This exercise will make it easier to reach behind your back, such as to put on your coat or wipe yourself. The pain from a torn rotator cuff can take months to calm down. The exercises will help, but need done regularly.

How long does it take a strained voice to heal?

My voice is also gone... -__- And It can take a few days or even a couple of weeks! I really want it back now! But you just have to wait. It doesn't usually come back in a day or anything unfortunately. =/