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For Experian, a voluntary repossession will remain on your credit report for seven years from the original delinquency date of the debt.

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Normally 7 years. There is no difference in a voluntary repossession and a non-voluntary one. A repo is a repo.

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Q: How long does a voluntary repossession stay on your credit report?
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How long does a voluntary repossession affect your credit rating?

7 years.

Is having a voluntary repossession on your credit report bad and if so how does it affect your credit and for how long?

YES its bad you dont get the lowest interest rates IF lenders will loan to you 7-10 years

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The repossession stays on your credit report for 7 years.

Repo how long will it take to get on credit report?

If your vehicle is already up for repossession, it is already on your credit report as a delinquent or defaulted debt.

How long will a car repossession in California remain on your credit report?

7 years is the norm.

How long is a car repossession on your credit report after you pay it off and get the car back?

7 years

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Type your answer here... in the USA, 7 to 10 years

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How long does a repossession remain on a credit report?

7 years if there is no "new action" on the particular account. "New action" means if you were to start paying on it or if the financier were to get a Court judgment on the loan. By the way.......A voluntary repossession (turning in the car before it go to collections) is the SAME as a regular repo. It will be listed on your credit in the same manner unless tou have negotiated a new termination clause wiyh the lender.

How long does a repossession in Mississippi stay on your credit report?

By federal law, 7 years from the date of repossession or sale or last payment. The state is irrelevant.

Does a car repossession go on your DMV report or only on your credit report?

Only on your CREDIT REPORT. DMV doesnt care how you got it or got rid off it, as long as ya dont steal it or sell before ya pay for it.

How long will a voluntary dismissal without prejudice stay on my credit report for if the debt was paid Will it be marked as a judgment on my report?

It takes seven to ten years.