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9 months to term.

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Q: How long does a woman carry a fetus for?
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Why is abrtion murder?

If the woman chooses of her own free will to end the pregnancy within 3 months, it's not murder. If someone murders the woman, or her fetus against the will of the pregnant woman, then it's murder. The woman has the right to choose if she wants to carry her pregnancy to term. No one has the right to force her to have a baby, and no one has the right to kill her fetus against her will.

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How is the fetus affected when a pregnant woman uses caffeine?

Caffeine can pass from a pregnant woman's body into the developing fetus.

Does a fetus carry the same rights like a child does?

No a fetus is not a baby or a child. It's living on the woman's body and can not live on it's own and therefor is for her to decide over. A child is it's own person and can live on it's own outside of her body.

What movie involves a human fetus in a jar and a woman steals it and escape with the help of a man?

The X Files, though the fetus is nominally human. Scully is the woman.

Can females have bowel movement through their vaginal?

Absolutely not! The vagina "plumbing" is completely separate from the intestinal "plumbing". That would be like asking if a woman can carry a fetus in her stomach instead of in her uterus.

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zzany pregnant women carry a fetus with a blood type different from their own, and the mother can form antibodies against fetal RBCs?

I do not see what this statement is asking. There have been instances where a pregnant woman has developed antibodies against the fetus with a different blood type than her own.

How far along must a girl be in pregnancy for a hit to be manslaughter?

A fetus is a life, as long as a woman tests + for a pregnancy, its a life & if its taken its manslaughter!

How long does a mother carry its baby until she has it?

A woman is pregnant for 38-40 weeks.

What materials would the blood arteries carry away from a fetus?


Is it true it takes a man to make a female fetus?

It takes a man and a woman to make any kind of human fetus.