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If you smoke it occasionally it will remain in your system for up to 10 days.If you smoke marijuana on a regular basis it will stay in your system for as long as 45 days, and if you smoke marijuana at a constant pace, it can stay in the body for 90 days. Marijuana is fat soluble. It stores in the fat cells of the body, the brain, the liver, the kidneys, in other words the major organs.
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Q: How long does cannabis stay in your body?
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how long will it stay in my body

How long does cannabis stay in your body for?

28 days

How long can THC can stay in your body?

It is very unlikely casual exposure to cannabis smoke will cause THC to be transferred to the blood.

How long does cannabis oil stay in system?

Cannabis is stored in fat and can be detected for up to 77 days

How long can second hand THC stay in your body?

It is very unlikely casual exposure to cannabis smoke will cause THC to be transferred to the blood.

What effects do cannabis have on your body?

Cannibis-is a drug in ciggerates as well as a drug that you can sell (which is ileagel) this could kill you if not would stay in your body for a long time and block your blood vessels

How long Cannabis sativa do stay in your system?

the average time is about a month, but if you are over the average weight it will stay longer.

How cannabis enters the body?

It enters however you take the drug. But once it is in your body, it bonds to fats and can stay in the system for months.

Just stopped smoking cannabis how long will it stay in your system for?

Well, technically it will stay in your body as long as you have your current fat cells, which store the metabolites of marijuanna. Depending on your level of past usage, you could test positive on a drug test for up to about 45 days.

How long does cannabis stay in your blood and urine?

Marijuana aka (Canabis) Can stay in your unrine or blood stream for up to 28 days.

How long can Tetrahydrocannabinol can stay in your body?

Heavy and/or long-term cannabis use can result in detectable concentrations of THC remaining in the body for about a month. A single, average use of THC is detectable for up to a week. Intermediate use falls in between these two extremes.

How long can cannabis stay in the system?

45 days for high toxicity levels, 28 days for standard.