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Please can someone tell me how long the freeze thaw process takes on a rock, thanks :) xx

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Q: How long does freeze thaw weathering take?
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Related questions

What type of wather conditions are needed for freeze thaw weathering to take place?

Freeze-Thaw Weathering Can Only Take Place Whenever The Temperature Falls Below Zero Degrees Celsius.

How long would it take for granite to break up because of freeze-thaw weathering when it is next to a volcano?

It cannot be concluded from the information given. Whether or not a rock is near a volcano would not significantly effect freeze-thaw weathering. That is primarily controlled by climate.

What is another example of freeze-thaw weathering?

physical weathering

Freeze-thaw is an example of?

chemical weathering

Freeze-thaw is an example of this?

physical weathering

What types of weathering affect chalk?

Freeze- thaw

How long does it take for a piece of rock to break away due to freeze thaw weathering?

It would depend on the type of rock and the temperature changes involved.

Why is freeze thaw weathering absoloutely vital if a glacier is going to be able to erode its valley?

Its to do with how it is able to form the glacier. There is a cylce where the ice can only cycle round and round if freeze thaw weathering is taking place, meaning that a glacier can erode its valley. The process of freeze thaw weathering erodes the valley.

How do freeze and thaw cycles contribute to both weathering and erosion?

it does

How do freeze and thaw cycle contribute to both weathering and erosion?

it does

What types of mechanical weathering are there?

freeze and thaw, exfoliation and abrasion

3 example of physical weathering?

Freeze - Thaw weathering Onion skin weathering Erosion from rain water