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How long does 3202 Watson stay in your system

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Q: How long does it take a Watson 3202 do be out of your system?
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Watson 3202 compared to Vicodin 750?

Both the Watson 3202 (generic equivalent to Vicodin) and Vicodin 750 both contain 2 medications: hydrocodone and acetaminophen. The difference is the amount of these ingredients. Watson 3202 contains 5mg of hydrocodone bitartrate and 325mg of acetaminophen (generic Tylenol). The Vicodin 750 that you ask about is quite likely Vicodin ES (extra strength). This contains 750mg of acetaminophen and 7.5mg of hydrocodone. This is obviously stronger than than Watson 3202. When taking either of these medications, you must not take any other products that contain acetaminophen (Tylenol). Acetaminophen is commonly found in OTC cold and flu medications and products for menstrual discomfort (such as Pamprin, etc.) and, of course, plain Tylenol pain reliever that you buy OTC. Taking too much acetaminophen (more than 4 grams or 4000 milligrams in 24 hours) can lead to irreversible liver disease and possibly death.

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