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how long does it take for a burn to heeal?

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Q: How long does it take a first degree burn to heal?
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What temperature do you get a first degree burn?

depends how long you were exposed to the heat

How long does it take for a third degree burn to heal?

Burns are graded in degrees, such as first, second, or third (a few people use fourth, but it is not commonly used). But these designations are based on how much damage the burn does and not on the temperature of the object that caused the burn. For instance, a fire can cause anywhere from a first to third degree burn, and it is very hot, while a chemical such as lye can also cause a first to third degree burn, but it is room temperature.

How long does a second degree burn on a 2year old baby take to heal?

If a toddler ever sustains a burn of any kind, they should be immediately taken to the hospital. That being said, superficial burns should heal in a few days. More serious burns will take longer to heal and need to be under a doctor's supervision.

How long does it take for a blood blister to heal?

It depends how bad it is, it should be gone in a couple of days or maybe week/s

How long does a water burn take to heal?

It depends on how bad the burn is. But i will give you a secret to heal the burn rub some toothepasteon the burn an dleave it on the burn for 10 to 15 minuites for at least three daysand the burn should be gone and its not an old wives taleit really works I promise

What is the best way to treat a 1st or 2nd degree burn?

Keep it clean, covered and protected. Unless larger than the palm of the victim's hand, or placed somewhere sensitive(face, joints, genitals) it can then be left to heal on its own. Keep blisters intact for as long as possible.

How long does it take a burn to heal?

more than 5 month depending on the acid

How long before pigmentation returns after a second degree burn?

Depends on where the burn is on the body.

How long does it take for a moderate burn to heal with no scarring?

Moderate burns may heal in 10-14 days and may leave scarring.

How long does it take for a critical burn to heal?

Critical or major burns take more than 14 days to heal and will leave significant scarring.

How long the second degree of burn will be recover?

10 to 15 days

How long does it take for a burn on the roof of your mouth the mouth to heal?

It actually takes a few days for it to heal it helps if you put cold ice on it and leave it there your mouth will probably be numb