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A hairline fracture of the wrist will not always need to be immobilized. If there is no displacement of the bones, the wrist will heal perfectly without casting. You may find greater comfort using a stiff brace rather than nothing, and the brace is far more comfortable, hygienic and better for the skin than a plaster cast. Your doctor will need to see x-rays to determine if the break needs casting or not. Without the cast you will need to exercise caution since the bone is already weakened, but with normal usage as you can bear it the wrist will heal in the same amount of time as with a cast. See your doctor and have x-rays in any event.

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13y ago
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13y ago

Yes a hairline fracture can heal by itself but the treatment modality depends on the age of the patient, type of fracture and the effected bone.

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15y ago

Only a Doctor can determine for sure, but it may be casted or just immobilized. Either way it will need to be prevented from moving or taking any stress for about 6 weeks.

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12y ago

my 2 yr old son had a wrist fracture and his doctor said yes it will heal by itself but still not convinced, not sure what to do

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14y ago

No, it should be looked at by a Doctor for a concussion, or brain damage!

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11y ago

6 weeks

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Q: How long does it take a hairline fracture of the wrist to heal?
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How long a cast is on depends on the location of the hairline fracture. In sensitive areas the cast will need to be worn longer.

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Depends upon severity of fracture,age, sex, site. Usually hair line # heals -wks with proper care.

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3-5 days is usually enough time to heal a swollen or slightly sprained wrist.

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How long does a hairline fracture take to heal?

A: It should take 4-6 weeks but ... we are all diffrent and it might take longer or less time.

How long does it take for a rib fracture to heal?

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How long does a cast need to be worn for a hairline fracture in the wrist?

The actual damage done by carpel tunnel surgery surgery is generally healed within a couple of weeks. However the body's repairs to the damage that has taken place to the median nerve can run into months and may possibly never return to normal. strength returns to the muscles in the hands and fingers very quickly if they were not weakened to badly.

How long wiil it take for treatment of hairline fracture?

up to 3 to 6 weeks

How long does it take an elderly person to heal from a wrist fracture?

Fractures of the wrist usually take about 4-8 weeks to heal. For an elderly person, healing time would take at least 6 weeks and may take as long as 10 weeks to heal fully.