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It should take about a day i had mine for 2 months then took them out and they closed the next day

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Q: How long does it take for a lip piercing to close up after you've had it for 4 weeks?
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How long does it take for a tongue piercing to close up after it heals?

It takes as long as it takes once a piercing has healed it depends on haow long you leave the jewellery out, if you are done with the piercing it can take a few days to several weeks for the piercing to actually close once it's a seasoned piercing (seasoned being over a year old).

How long do cheek piercings last without the piercing?

Without the jewelry to keep the piercing open, a cheek piercing will generally close within a few weeks. It can even happen in a few days if the piercing has not been there for a long period of time.

How long does it take for lip piercing to close up its only been done for bout 8 weeks?

8 weeks is still pretty young. But it depends on how you heal really. Dont leave the piercing naked unless you accept the possibility that it'll close up

How long does it take a piercing to close after 12 months?

it depends on the type of piercing and the size of the piercing. If it's a small gauge it will close within a few days, larger gauge a weeks. Just wash the piercing remove the jewellery and clean the area when bathing normally. It will close when it feels like it, you just need to leave it alone.

How long does it take for a piercing to close up?

It really depends on the type of piercing and long you've had the piercing.

Does a pierced nipple hole ever close up?

It depends on how long you have had the piercing and at what gauge, it may close over weeks or months then it may never close. It's nothing to worry about.

How long does it take for an ear piercing to close up?

It depends on how fast your body heals, and how long you have had the piercing. The longer you have had the piercing, the longer it will take to close. This is true for all piercings.

How Long Does it take for a Navel piercing healing after taking it out?

It depends on the type of piercing and the size of the piercing. If it's a small gauge it will close within a few days, larger gauge a weeks. Just wash the piercing remove the jewellery and clean the area when bathing normally. It will close when it feels like it, you just need to leave it alone.

How long does it take for an industrial to close up after a week of being pierced?

It can take up to 12 weeks for an Industrial piercing to close up. Possibly even longer, as long as you clean the area with salen solution it will heal up just fine, DO NOT turn, the piercing it will do that by daily wear. And DO NOT take the piercing out, the skin will grow back together very quickly and cause the punctures to close, meaning you just paid for a piercing, that is no good anymore.

How long will it take a rook piercing to close up?

It depends on how long you've had it in previously. It could take anywhere from (when you have just got it done) 1 day - 2 weeks.

How many hours till it closes up-belly ring?

Your question isn't very clear, but I will give it a shot. The time it takes for a navel piercing to close or "heal up" depends on how long you have had the piercing. The longer the piercing has been in place with jewellery, the longer it will take for the piercing to close with the jewellery removed. Generally if you have had the piercing with jewellery over a year the piercing can take several months to shrink down to the point where you can't put jewellery into the piercing any longer. If you have only had the piercing for a few months then it can take a few weeks for the piercing to close.

How long does it take your ear to heal from a piercing?

Your ear takes 6 weeks to heal from a piercing.