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It depends on the position of HST in orbit and where the information is being relayed to/from, but in general only a few seconds at its furthest point. HST is in a low-earth orbit to avoid the Van Allen belt, so its orbit is only a few hundred nautical miles high.

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Q: How long does it take for a message to travel to Hubble?
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How long did it take to build the Hubble Space Telescope?

16 years

How long did it take for a message sent from Earth to reach the first astronauts on the way to the moon when they were still 10600 km away from the moon?

The time for the message to reach them should equal the speed of the message divided by the distance the message had to travel. The message would have been a radio wave so travelled at the speed of light, 300,000,000 meters per second. So all you need to know is the distance it had to travel. That will be the distance from the surface of the Earth to the Moon (in metres) minus 10,600,000.

Why are the images from the Hubble space telescope is clearer than images from telescopes on earth?

There are a few reasons. When you watch the stars at night, you’ve seen how they twinkle. This is because of atmospheric distortion, and that really hampers the ability of telescopes on Earth to get clear images. Since the Hubble is above the atmosphere, it isn’t affected by atmospheric distortion - for Hubble, the stars don’t twinkle. Another reason is that Hubble doesn’t have to contend with light pollution. Telescopes are places in areas where they sky is affected as little as possible by light, but there’s always some light. Another is that Hubble can take very long exposures. Telescopes on Earth are limited to observations at night, but Hubble can take very long exposures, and can observe an object indefinitely.

How long does it take to send a message to the moon?

It's roughly 1-1.5 seconds. Light (and radio) travel at 186,000 miles per second, and the moon is usually about 230,000 miles away. simonsdiary

How long will it take to travel to space?

Who high the satellites