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One month.

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Q: How long does it take for your body to become used to birth control?
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How long does it take for your body to be used to birth control pill?

It takes one month for birth control to work effectively in your body & one month before you can have unprotected intercourse.

How long does it take for your body to adjust when you switch to a different birth control pill?

Although you will have immediate protection if you start the new birth control pill on time, it may take a month or two for your body to fully be adjusted to the new birth control.

How long before birth control become effective if the condom breaks?

almost 2 weeks

How long can sperm live in the woman's body while shes on birth control?

Birth control doesn't affect the sperm's life span. They can live about five days.

Is it ok to be on birth control for 8 years?

Yes, there is no need to stop birth control after a certain amount of time or to "give your body a break," as long as you still don't want to conceive, and as long as the method is still medically appropriate for you.

How long do side affects of birth control last?

You could get side effects for about 3 months. Your body just needs time to adjust. If they persist after that, you made need to switch your brands of birth control.

How long does birth control stays in your body if you've only used it correctly for one month?

It doesn't. If you are trying to become pregnant, it may take a few months for ovulation to begin happening at a regular interval again. However, if you are having unprotected sex and do not want a pregnancy, you need another form of birth control.

How long is menstruation on birth control?

It should be the same amount of time as when NOT on birth control.

How long does it take to get pregnant after quieting birth control?

how long does it take to get back on your normal cycle after stopping birth control

Active within 3 weeks?

Some birth control pills become effective after 1 week, others may take several weeks. You should ask your doctor, or read the instructions that came with your birth control to figure out how long your specific birth control takes to come into effect.

Does long-term birth control use affect future fertility?

There is no proof that birth control has a long term affect on being pregnant.

Can being on birth control too long affect your bladder?

There are no known effects, short- or long-term, of birth control on bladder function.