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It takes usually between 2.5 and 5 years.

The PhD would take approximately four years post bachelor's to complete. The actual length of time depends much on how long it takes a student to prepare and defend their dissertation, which is an individual project on a topic of the students choosing with extensive research from an original view point and approved by a designated committee.

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14y ago
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11y ago

It depends on the college requirements,scheduling and your major. Some college only require 36 credits (12 class) to be completed,and you can gave your dissection less than 3 month after your proposal if its good enough. At another college, you need 64 credits that are not dissection/research and are actual class.You also need to be teacher aid at least 9 credits a year,and worse is that the timeline for your thesis got time requirement before advancing. You have to wait at least 1 full year after getting your proposal accepted before you can defend it.(that is if you're lucky)Furthermore, you can't do that until 2 full year resident requirement and getting a master degree which further require 36 credits.

Great case scenario-2.5 years if you already mastered all the graduate class(entirely possible if you started at a young age)enough to have an easy time with the classes and preliminary exams so you can spent time on research ,low ta/residency requirement(rare),your proposal is excellent and you already research everything alot about it. You simply need to take a 2 full year of courses for the resident and then defend your strong thesis and you're done.(most graduate program don't accept a lot of transfer credit)This is assuming you're an amazing graduate.

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17y ago

It's highly variable, and depends on how quickly you finish your dissertation. I've heard of people finishing in 3.5 years and I've heard of people taking 7+ years. Usually, you finish your classes in 3-4 years and are then ABD--All But Dissertation--meaning that the degree is conferred once your disseration is completed and accepted.

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16y ago

The educational attainment of social scientists is among the highest of all occupations, with most positions requiring a master's or Ph.D. degree. Education and training.Graduates with master's degrees in applied specialties usually are qualified for positions outside of colleges and universities, although requirements vary by field. A Ph.D. degree may be required for higher-level positions. Bachelor's degree holders have limited opportunities and do not qualify for most of the occupations discussed above. A bachelor's degree does, however, provide a suitable background for many different kinds of entry-level jobs in related occupations, such as research assistant, writer, management trainee, or market analyst. Training in statistics and mathematics is essential for many social scientists Geographers, political scientists, and those in other fields increasingly use mathematical and quantitative research methods. The ability to use computers for research purposes is mandatory in most disciplines. Social scientists also must keep up-to date on the latest technological advances that affect their discipline and research. For example, most geographers use GIS technology extensively, and GIS is also becoming more commonly used by archaeologists, sociologists, and other workers. Many social science students also benefit from internships or field experience. Numerous local museums, historical societies, government agencies, non-profit and other organizations offer internships or volunteer research opportunities. Archaeological field schools instruct future anthropologists, archaeologists, and historians in how to excavate, record, and interpret historical sites. Other qualifications.Social scientists need excellent written and oral communication skills to report research findings and to collaborate on research. Successful social scientists also need intellectual curiosity and creativity because they constantly seek new information about people, things, and ideas. The ability to think logically and methodically is also essential to analyze complicated issues, such as the relative merits of various forms of government. Objectivity, an open mind, and systematic work habits are important in all kinds of social science research. Perseverance, too, is often necessary, as when an anthropologist spends years studying artifacts from an ancient civilization before making a final analysis and interpretation. Advancement. Some social scientists advance to top-level research and administrative positions. Advancement often depends on the number and quality of reports that social scientists publish or their ability to design studies. Many social scientists choose to teach in their field, often while pursuing their own research. These workers are usually classified as postsecondary teachers. The minimum requirement for most positions in colleges and universities is a Ph.D. degree. Graduates with a master's degree in a social science may qualify for teaching positions in community colleges. Social science graduates with sufficient education courses can qualify for teaching positions in secondary and elementary schools. For the source and more detailed information concerning this subject, click on the related links section indicated below.

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17y ago

The following is based on the PhD only and does not include the completion of undergraduate and graduate work. The time it takes to complete a Ph.d in history may vary and be particular to the college or university enrolled in and the students approach to it. As a general rule of thumb, the degree would require approximately 60 credits, minus the dissertation. How long it would take to complete the degree may vary according to each individual's circumstances and would include at least some of the following indicators:

  • Is the student full-time or part-time?
  • How many credits are taken each semester?
  • How long will take the student to finish the dissertation?
  • Will the dissertation require further research and enhancements?
Thus, you can see there are a number of factors to consider. However, if there is a general number of years to complete the degree, we might say on the average of four years -depending. Viper1
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16y ago

In general, four years of undergraduate and four years of graduate course work.

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16y ago

The doctorate in general would take approximately eight years beyond high school completion.

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Is a doctorate and Ph.D the same?

A PhD is a doctorate degree form which many specific fields fall. For example, A PhD in engineering, or history, business, psychology, etc.A PhD is a doctorate degree form which many specific fields fall. For example, A PhD in engineering, or history, business, psychology, etc.A PhD is a doctorate degree form which many specific fields fall. For example, A PhD in engineering, or history, business, psychology, etc.A PhD is a doctorate degree form which many specific fields fall. For example, A PhD in engineering, or history, business, psychology, etc.A PhD is a doctorate degree form which many specific fields fall. For example, A PhD in engineering, or history, business, psychology, etc.A PhD is a doctorate degree form which many specific fields fall. For example, A PhD in engineering, or history, business, psychology, etc.

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