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Q: How long does it take to get to space in a spaceship?
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How long is it from Venus to Pluto?

it depends on how fast your spaceship is. But from the fastest spaceship it will take about 10 hours and by the slowest spaceship 30 hours.

How did the space telescope get in space?

by spaceship

What is the spaceship for?

to get into space

What movie has spaceship go around your galaxy to eath future to take care of children aboard the spaceship?

This has to be Lost in Space met William Hurt.

Does your weight change if you take a spaceship into space?

Yes, the force of gravity is less in space, so your weight is less too.

Can people go to moon?

As long as they're wearing a space suit and if they ride a spaceship, yes.

Why did people invent spaceship?

the spaceship was used to explore outer space

How would you get up in space?

Lots of money to buy a spaceship then a good pilot to take you up there :)

Can you give me a long list of space transport?

Some ways things are transported in space is by spaceship, satellites, orbiters, and similar objects.

How can you have a spaceship in little space heroes?

You need to past your spaceship test to get a spaceship then go to a lunch pad then there you have it.

How does a star get into outer space?

through a spaceship get it star celebrity into outer space thorough a spaceship oh whatever

Which of the two words is correct space ship or spaceship?

Both "space ship" and "spaceship" are technically correct and widely used to refer to a vehicle designed for space travel. However, "spaceship" is the more commonly accepted term.