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a week it take or two

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Q: How long does it take to rust a nail in soda?
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How long does it takes an iron nail to rust when exposed to moist air?

It depends on the quality of the nail. If it is painted it Amy take long to rust. In general it may take a month or so for the nail to rust.

How long does it take for Coca-Cola to remove rust from a nail?

It may take a few hours to overnight for Coca-Cola to remove rust from a nail. The acid in the soda can help break down the rust, but the effectiveness may vary depending on the amount of rust and time left to soak.

How long does it take an iron nail to rust?

it depends if the nail is put in some place moist surrounded by liquid or just in a dry place

How long does it take for pepsi to rust a nail?

Pepsi contains acids that can accelerate the rusting process on a nail. It usually takes several days to weeks for a nail to start showing signs of rust when immersed in Pepsi. Factors like the composition of the nail and the acidity of the Pepsi can affect the speed of the rusting process.

Will whiskey rust a nail?

It depends if the nail is galvanized (coated) or not. If it isn't, I doubt it because the alcohol is actually take away the rust, or at least cover it up.

Is the nail will be rusted if placed in soft drinks?

It's said that Coca Cola can take the rust off of a rusty nail.

How long does it take a nail to rust?

The time it takes for a nail to rust depends on factors such as its exposure to moisture and oxygen. In a moist environment with oxygen present, a nail can start to show signs of rust within hours to a few days. Full corrosion might take weeks to months.

How long will it take to rust a nail in bleach?

Bleach is a strong oxidizing agent that can accelerate rusting of metal objects such as nails. The time it takes for a nail to rust in bleach would depend on factors such as the concentration of bleach, exposure time, and the composition of the nail. In a highly concentrated bleach solution, the nail could start to show signs of rusting within hours to days.

What makes a nail rust faster coke or tap water?

Hello science person!!! I too had this question a very LONG time ago that is why I am now a scientist. To answer your question sodas with alot of carbonation will make a nail rust. Like coke because it has alot of carbonation Have Fun Kid, Leila Anne Smith Scientist of State of California

Why does it take a long time for a nail to rust?

Rust forms on nails when they are exposed to oxygen and moisture in the air, causing a chemical reaction that corrodes the metal. The rate at which rust forms can depend on factors such as the type of metal used in the nail, the level of moisture in the environment, and the presence of other chemicals that may accelerate or inhibit rusting. Generally, nails made of iron or steel will rust over time when exposed to these conditions.

How long does it take for earrings to rust in vinegar?

If they are an alloy, they will eventually rust.

How long will it take a quarter to corrode or rust in fresh water?

How long will it t take a quarter to rust in fresh water