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This depends on many factors. It could take years if you add enough detail. It will also take longer if you don't know much about sewing or if you are sewing by hand.

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Q: How long does it take to sew a comforter?
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How long is a piece of string? As long as you make it.Can kids sew? If you teach them to, yes.

How do you keep the down comforter inside the duvet from sliding around inside?

Many people simply turn their duvet cover inside out, lay the duvet insert (or comforter) on top of it and safety pin the four corners in place. Another method is to do basically the same thing using comforter clips instead of safety pins, since safety pins can come undone during the night and stab you. Comforter clips can be found at Bed, Bath, and Beyond. Finally, you can turn the duvet cover inside out and sew a strip of ribbon (around 10 inches should do it) to each of the corners. Then sew four more strips of ribbon to the corners of your comforter and tie the ribbons on the comforter to the ribbon on the cover together. Then you just turn the duvet cover back the right way and put it on your bed!

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If Alexis sews at the same speed that Terri does than it's obvious what the answer would be!

Is sew a long o word?

long o

Is a comforter the same thing as a comforter cover?

Comforter and comforter's cover is totally different because comforter's cover is a top layer of comforter which protect the comforter from dirt. comforter is material which exits inside the cover.

How do you sew WikiAnswers?

Do you mean "sew" as in to use a thread and needle, or do you mean "sue" as in to take them to court and get money from them?

How long did it take Betsy Ross to sew the flag?

It only took Betsy Ross 1 year to finish the American flag