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Q: How long does it take to sign up of Facebook?
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Does it take long to sign up for facebook?

It can , depends really.

How long does it take to sign up for facebook if it says you are ineligable for Facebook?

You have to be 13 years old to be eligible to make an account on facebook.

Sign up for Facebook?

to do this just type facebook in the google bar at the top and then a result should say facebook login.Also it will say sign up and if you want to have a facebook just click SIGN UP.

What does it cost to sign up for Facebook?

At the moment it doesn't cost anything to sign up for facebook.

Why can't you be a member of the Facebook?

You can, everybody can sign up on Facebook. just visit and sign up.

How can you sign up without Facebook you do not want Facebook?


Do you have to have Facebook to sign up for Answers?

A Facebook account is no longer required to sign in on

How do you sign up without going through facebook?

You are not allowed to use Facebook without the sign up procedure. You can access limited Facebook pages without going through the sign up procedure.

How do you complete a sign up proses on Facebook?

yahoo sign up

How do you sign up if you you don't have Facebook?

I'm afraid that Wiki Answers requires members to sign up using Facebook.

How old do you have to be to log on to Facebook?

how old do you have to be to sign up on facebook!

When will this site allow us to sign up without having facebook?

The Facebook only sign up was a temporary measure, and multiple types of sign up have been reintroduced.