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The short answer is: roughly as long as it took the hypokalemia to develop. If someone has very low K and it's been getting lower for months, than her cells have adapted to the change in osmolarity by increasing the intracellular concentration of other molecules. If we give her a bunch of K rapidly than her cells will become hyperosmotic and swell. This can cause significant brain damage since these cells are in a highly confined space. Instead, we give her K very slowly for weeks or months. Likewise if the K loss has been very rapid, we need to replace it rapidly.

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Q: How long does it take to treat hypokalemia?
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- potassium chloride is used as a substitute for sodium chloride - potassium chloride is used to treat the rare hypokalemia

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Weakness, Fatigue, Muscle cramps, Constipation, Abnormal heart rhythms (arrhythmias) are symptoms are hypokalemia.

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