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Probably two sittings of around half an hour each is required before braces can be put. First cleaning of the teeth (Oral Prophylaxix) is done whereas in the second visit molar bands are put. Then after braces are put. There is no hard and fast rule for this; its just up to the patient and the orthodontist. It can be put the same day or even more sittings.

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12y ago

To be honest i havent actually had my braces fitted yet, but im getting them the day after next and i go to a private orthodontist who told me it should take up to 45 minutes. And im getting both sets of braces fitted (top and bottom) which means it would take even less if your just getting one of the two.

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Q: How long does it take until braces are put on?
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You should only take them out when you eat, then put them back in. If you play and instrument or something like that, then you could take them out for that. That's what I had to do.

How long does it take to get the braces on?

Personally my braces took about an hour, hour and half to be put on. The process is actually a bit painful and it really depends on the patient as well as the doctor to how much time it will take.

Who can put braces on your teeth?

An orthodontist can put braces on your teeth

How long does it usually take in between the first 3 appointments before you get you braces on?

To be honest, that would be a question that you ask your Orthodontist. Check out this website to find out more about braces: And don't worry, I have had braces for 5 years. It doesn't hurt when they are put on OR when taken off. :)

How many days does you take to put on braces?

My dentist said it was going to take 2 years

How long braces have be on when you have gap teeth?

about 3 yers and they put powerchins on to fix it

Are they going to put anesthesia when they re going to put the braces?

No they don't even use pain medicine it doesn't hurt until later that day

Can hygienist put braces on patients?

No you have too see a outhodontist and they put on your brace for you

Do all teeth get braced during braces?

No. If you only have a problem with your top teeth, only your top will get braces. Sometimes the ortodontist doesn't put braces on the back teeth until later. Sometimes, although this doesn't happen much, the braces will only be placed on the front four teeth.

Are there any virtual games that you can put braces on people?

try to type in virtual braces put on

When braces are tightened does it hurt as much and for as long as when they are first put on?

Yes it does. Most of the time, getting your braces tightened is painful yes although I don't remember it being quite as painful to get them tightened as it was when I got them put on initially.